I'm wondering if the bOrg actually studied mind control and coercion tactics deliberately or wether they just evolved over time through trial and error. What do you think?
My opinion, I don't think that many controlling groups, cults or cult leaders intentionally start a group or organization with the intention of controlling or coerce people. Many cult leaders have goodness at heart in the beginning. Later when they get a taste of power and control over other people is when they start getting ideas. Some others do start cults and organizations with the intention of having power and control over others. The bOrg is an organization made of a number of people, not just one leader, and it has evolved through the years. I believe that the level of control and coercion is deliberate now, and in high amounts, but I don't think that that's how that organization stared. I may be completely wrong as I have no idea about what the intention of Charles T Russel was when he founded the WT.
Many religions organizations that are very demanding (like the bOrg) tend to attract narcissistic, power hungry people in their leadership. I don't think that power, control and coercion are things that they need to get formally trained on, though.