Can all indoctrination leave a person , or does it linger in background till death.
My two cents, in short, and in my case, not completely. To me my recovery has been about minimizing the negative influence of that organization. It's not realistic for me to expect that I can remove the JWs from the first 23 years of my life, especially since I come from a large family and many of them are still in. I can't talk about my chilhood without mentioning the WT. It's just not possible.
That organization, whether I like it or not, is going to be present in my life, so my healing from it is not about disappearing it from my life, but rather not allowing them to dictate my life, my decisions or my relationships. It's not about eradicating its influence, but to keep it to a minimum and correcting anything that exists in my life as a result of its negative influence.
I don't hide that I was a JW, nor am I proud of it. I am proud of leaving and not allowing that organization and its nonsense continue controlling my life. I now have a history of living outside that organization and I have plenty of unrelated memories and life events that make my life a lot richer in spite of all the time I wasted in that organization.
I also find healing in the fact that the Wt nonsense was something that was imposed on me since I was born, not something I decided to join. As soon as I knew better I left, and since I have been living my life on my terms not theirs. That's good enough for me.