@ Scratchme 1010 "I cannot fathom me growing up a JW in Puerto Rico seeing something like that, ever! I remember some elders going on and on and on about the Puerto Rican Bomba and Plena music having roots in African worshiping of deities and therefore being Satan's music."
Get with the programme, mate. The light just got brighter in JW land ! "Jehovah is a happy God and he wants his people to be happy too". Got a problem with that ? LMAO !!! The things people are willing to believe once they have handed over their intelligence and critical thinking to the JW Organisation !
I'm with you on this, mate, I think the organisation is now desperately "papering over cracks".
LOL! Actually, I definitely got "with that programme". After leaving I cannot count the amount of Plena and Bomba festivals I've been to .
I wonder if they danced "la pelua".