Why the change?
Because they are a controlling cult that tries to sell pure --it to people.
the february 2017 wt had stated that the gb is "neither inspired nor infallible" and that it can make errors in doctrine.. the language of the online wt issue now says, “the governing body is neither inspired nor perfect.
therefore, it can make mistakes when explaining the bible or directing the organization.”.
why the change?
Why the change?
Because they are a controlling cult that tries to sell pure --it to people.
the wt march 2017, p.11, par.
13 quotes ephesians 4:8 as saying, "the bible refers to them as 'gifts in men.
however, the org's own kingdom interlinear translation (and every other bible translation) gives a truthful translation of the verse: .
Pity that Witnesses don't use their K.I.T. to verify what the RNWT says!
It's a brainwashing cult. There are reasons why they have their own translation of the Bible. They are going to do every single thing they can to look better, gain power and control over other people and make more money.
Regardless, I agree that that's how many elders think of themselves.
blow $1000+.
put a reference to your favorite website up.. https://holidayhole.com/.
What a waste of time and money!
if in the wts earthly-paradise fantasy, the wolf won't eat no more the lamb and they will be the best friends, will human continue to kill lambs to eat?.
the earthly paradise is vegan?.
If in the WTS earthly-paradise fantasy, the wolf won't eat no more the lamb and they will be the best friends, will human continue to kill lambs to eat?
The earthly paradise is vegan?
Yes, vegan.
What about the rest of the carnivore animals that eat other species?
The whole thing doesn't make any sense.
march study edition says we should show honer to people in general that includes df ones great now i can smile and show honer to them by speaking to them and not shunning them..
Who cares? They have no saying about me and my life.
i told him i communicate with my dog, my dog informed me that the cute little french poodle two doors south is a slut.
my orange tree is not producing fruit this year, so i cursed it and told it i want you out of yard.and then i told him the other day i was at the race track (horses) and while passing the stables old turkey told me he will win his race today.
what do you think my psychiatrist diagnose for me.
...And then I told him the other day I was at the race track (horses) and while passing the stables...
How do you know the tree is a he?
hi guys.. "brother" jose is quite possibly the most sinister speaker i've ever seen or heard.
and i've seen/head a lot of cults in my time.. he's over the top with his voice tone and gestures.
i see a future governing body member in the making here:.
And that's supposed to make me want to join them?
With that voice he could make a lot of money as a gay phone sex operator, though.
stash: /intesoft-inc.appspot.com/post/e076f84bca044b268072e9ecd2c2dbde.html
I was asking myself the same than Village. Are they the parents?
However, on second thoughts, if they are the parents, it's still a great message. Hetero people can be/have been great supporters of same sex parenting.
The illustration of the t-shirt doesn't have to say anything about people's sexuality, especially since the message is about parenting, not sex.
Probably, they love money. Personally I can't care less.
it seems that many times in life there is a moment or an action that changes your whole world.
it could be just a look that someone gives you.. many times it can be something rather small.
something hardly noticeable by anyone but you.
What has been your defining moments?
Interestingly enough, I found this post on Thanksgiving day, and it was the first Thanksgiving day when I had my defining moment. I had left the JWs a year prior or so, and I had a boyfriend. That relationship ended soon after I left, so i was pretty much alone and with not a lot to do in Thanksgiving day.
I started walking around the empty streets in the town I was living at the time, not knowing where to go or what to do. I wasn't sad, nor was I depressed, and I definitely wasn't interested in going back to that --it hole of a congregation I walked away from.
For the first time I felt free to choose the direction, my life was going to take. Not knowing what that was, but my resolution at the time was to prove both my effed-up family and the effed-up religion I grew up in wrong about what they all expected me to be or become.
While walking down the rather empty streets, I started hearing merengue music. I walked towards the music and found this Dominican woman who placed a tent almost in the middle of the street and was selling sandwiches to passersby. Her friendliness, her enthusiasm, her zest for life, or her I don't-know-what was just contagious. What could have been a sad lonely day turned out to be a nice experience with that lady. A group of people who seemingly were like me formed and it became this rather impromptu party.
That's when I decided to enroll in college. I decided that my new boyfriend's name was "Polytechnic University". A few years (and lots of dollars) later, I had my college degree and was well in the way of taking my life where I decided to be.
Something about the happiness and sense of comfort in her own skin that the Dominican woman had made me feel great, made me feel in charge, inspired. Something sparked that day by just seeing her. She was not worried about anything. She just got her things, put a tent and started making sandwiches without knowing (or worrying) about if there will be any customers. She just took the actions and had a great time while at it.
Decades later, I look back and see that Thanksgiving day that year was one of the best first days of the rest of my life, definitely a defining moment, and a great one.