Where are they going to live? It's impossible for this to happen even if there are no more cemeteries because there are no more dead people (When I was a kid, and I asked where will people live, I was told to think about all the acres of land we will have with no more cemeteries, zoos or jails).
This reminds me of something that apparently they said and for some reason it either magically disappeared or they retracted.
I remember some book that was announced at a convention that mentions that their Jehovah is going to accommodate for the resurrected and/or people who are born when the Earth is full, for the to live in other planets.
When that book came out I was on my very way out and never heard much of it after. What happened with that? I wonder since I believe that at least at that time (late 80's or early 90's) they believed that the overcrowded Earth was never going to happen because there will be space in other planets.
Do they still sustain that? I haven't heard anyone mentioning any of that.