Really, I'd had a little respect for them if they actually said that they are wrong about that 1914 thing (granted, that can open the door to being wrong in pretty much everything else, including their own existence, but that's besides the point). They are so effing shameless in their stupid silly explanations. What a disgusting organization.
JoinedPosts by scratchme1010
wt on a slide, " 1914's generation is not only overlapping, but also composite.
by prologos indoctrines projected by wt writers can be compared to the slides in the old carousel slide shows, the jw audience was kept in the dark, but the next images' bright filtered new light had their rapt attention.
often these doctrine images came around again but modified, often totally changed, turned upside down.
think superior authorities, resurrection ----, .
Have you been to Brooklyn lately?
by lrkr ini happened to be in brooklyn yesterday and decided to take a spin around the old hq.. the factory buildings have cool retail at ground level and offices or loft apartments above.
the whole factory complex area looks very cool- now that it is not jw'd..
Brooklyn, where's that?
Did you ever think about being persecuted?
by Funchback ini was introduced to the jw religion at the age of 7. i can't recall when i was taught about having to suffer persecution in the so-called last days, but i do remember thinking that i would crumble under pressure.. as i entered my young adult years, i imagined how governments would persecute us.
i had thoughts of being tortured for information and then how i would say anything to the torturer just to stop the pain and then be labeled a modern-day judas, missing out on everlasting life.. the jw way of life and expectations are both scary and unrealistic.. i am glad i have canceled armageddon.
also, if i should ever be tortured for some belief or principle, i shall remain strong until the end.
By other jws, yes, and I was, called the gossip mill.
Blondie, this is so on point! The gossiping that goes around in congregations, the negative, ill-intended gossip and character assassination that goes on is just insane. You are right, that is the real persecution.
JW Policy Regarding "Marking" From The Nov 2016 WT
by JW_Rogue injws will deny that local needs parts are often just a way to mark those in the congregation who are deemed to be "bad association" or who don't fall in line with the elders viewpoints.
now, for the first time in a long time the wt discusses their marking policy and how it works in the nov study wt:.
recall paul’s counsel regarding disorderly ones in the congregation.
I view my marking as a badge of honour, its all quite stupid though as the markee is never formally informed he is marked, well at least I was'nt
In similar thought, to me their mark has no relevance in any way, shape or form. The only time I cared for anything they had to say was when they attempted to slander me, and I put those JW--its in their place. Other than that, they are just a big giant piece of nothing. They don't matter.
The Evils of Aluminum
by NeonMadman inaluminum was an issue that became a real “tempest in a teapot” for the watchtower.
it influenced their teaching for almost 50 years and, frankly, created an impression among observers that their members were off-the-wall fanatics.
for all those years, the golden age and other watchtower publications took the position that aluminum cookware and utensils were one of the great health hazards of the 20th century.
...They actually published over 130 articles on the topic between 1925 and 1969. This is a great example of the Watchtower’s propensity to eagerly subscribe to theories of quack medicine and junk science...
...Now, ironically, some studies today are suggesting a link between the use of aluminum cookware and Alzheimer’s disease. I suppose that any JW’s who hear about that might feel that the WTS is being vindicated, but there was no scientific evidence of that back when they were publishing their articles, and their accusations about the effects of aluminum were completely off the mark...There's something I find difficult to understand about many posters in this forum. People keep talking about the WT teachings and stances on things as if they are based on actual reasoning or if there's any depth of knowledge to it. That is the phony bullshit WT propaganda under the glaze of education.
The WT is a manipulative controlling cult. THEY ARE NOT INTERESTED IN TEACHING ANYTHING. The aluminum thing in cookware is a display of how stupidly simplistic their mentality is. If people were to be away from aluminum they could never enter any building. Aluminum is pretty much everywhere in a lot of structures, in soda cans, in zippers, I mean, the presence of that element (one of the most versatile metals) is everywhere.
I quoted this (what is quoted above), because again, the entire thing neglects to look at the entire picture. There is an entire political element in anything and everything that the WT does. What will be interesting to find here is what was the political reason to have such ridiculous stance on aluminum.
Finally, and therefore, there's no such "vindication" about the WT being right on anything simply because they say it. The fact that they state something that turns out to be right doesn't make that filthy pedophile protecting organization any better. Nor does it change any of the other dirty deals and actions that such organization has taken.
Furthermore, the relationship between Alzheimer's and aluminum is weaker than the claim that people are going to live 1,000 years. Aluminum is not only present in cookware
4 million year old superbug in a cave in New Mexico
by schnell in
this is pretty fascinating.
paenibacillum is not pathogenic, but is absolutely battle-hardened as far as bacteria go, having spent 4 million years in a 1600' deep cave that takes 10,000 years to get water from the surface and never sees sunlight..
Interesting, schnell. There are a few species that have adapted themselves to the environment, like a fish that lives with no eyes in an area of the planet where there's acid instead of water.
Come to think of it, smiddy, the dark pool of acid is as good for your analogy.
Idée fixe
by Half banana ini am in france at the moment and hence this french expression used in english speaking psychiatry crossed my mind: the expression is idée fixe (pron.
eeday fix).
this describes the condition in an individual who holds an obsessive attachment to a point of view which is unresponsive to reason and argument.
This describes the condition in an individual who holds an obsessive attachment to a point of view which is unresponsive to reason and argument.
That's pretty much every Donald Trump supporter.
"I'm firm in my beliefs": Hypocrisy and Delusion
by schnell ini have a friend who said he'll have to stop listening to me after i told him about yahweh's origins in canaanite religion, because he's firm in his beliefs.. i have a mother who said she goes to the meetings even if it's wrong, and i should too.
she is also firm in her beliefs.. i have talked to an elder about evolution, and as i made the case for it and against creationism, he said that at some point i have to decide that there is a creator.
he too is firm in his beliefs.. all of these people will also talk about going out in service.
schnell, that sounds just like the Presidential election.
Standing for the National Anthem?
by eyeslice2 inwe are currently living in a country where at the cinema the national anthem is played before the start of the movie and it is law that you stand.
does anyone know what current jw thinking is on this?
i know there has been various changes over the years.
Who cares what the WT thinks. They have no authority over the government. The rest is simple freedom of speech.Every American citizen has the right to express themselves. The WT wants everyone in their crop to express themselves only the way they do.
questions about some doctrinal issues
by Truth and Justice infirst, a good evening to all on this forum,.
i have been busy with my work, and so i don't come on here much.
but because of winter, i will stop in on occasion and share some interesting insights.
So, has there been a change as far as who you would help? So much of what has been a JW doctrine or belief, all of a sudden has been changed to accommodate a new idea or agenda to more or less tighten the reigns of the witnesses. If someone has some info, I would really appreciate it.
I don't have any info on that, but in all honesty, why discussing kindness under the glass of that organization? Any decent person with any decent morals should know to be kind to people. That should be the end of it. The Wt trying to regulate who/when should receive help is just beyond absurd. That should be the end of it.