And, allegedly, Jehovah created it through his son Jesus (Michael) and gets upset if i dont underline my Watchtower? And is really bothered whether i pray to him or not? The idea is absurd to me.
Yes, I completely agree with that. I still don't (never did) see the correlation between the universe and its complexity, and stupid nonsense such as having a beard, who do you choose to form a family with, being late for a meeting, wearing long skirts (that is the women), what kind of haircut is appropriate, what kind of music is OK to listen to, and the list of stupid demands goes on and on and on.
I have posted before that if any human being behaves like the WT's Jehovah, that person will be under medication for paranoia, schizophrenia, narcissistic personality disorder, and bipolar disorder. The behavior of that so called god is just insane.
Thanks for sharing.