.. you are told to trust the slave as you do Jehovah and Jesus.
Actually, You Might Be in a Cult if you are told anything but what your own being tells you.
... you are told to trust the slave as you do jehovah and jesus..
.. you are told to trust the slave as you do Jehovah and Jesus.
Actually, You Might Be in a Cult if you are told anything but what your own being tells you.
i know we often talk of the mind control and how jw's believe what they are taught because they are controlled as to the information they receive, but i think the mind control goes frighteningly beyond simply keeping information away from them.. the jw mind is in lockdown.
it simply cannot accept facts, evidence, reasoning or whatever that goes against what they believe.
they cannot assimilate and consider an argument, it is not that they are being awkward, or willfully blind, their minds are so shut down they are incapable of taking in what is being presented.. i am aware of how, in common with other cults and high control groups the j.w org achieves this state among its members, but how on earth do we open such a solidly closed mind ?.
I am aware of how, in common with other Cults and High Control Groups the J.W Org achieves this state among its members, but how on earth do we open such a solidly closed mind ?
I'm no expert in the matter, but another angle to look at it is not just what you have (rightfully) mentioned on mind control, but also from the angle of abuse. A lot of what they do is what they call "spiritual abuse".
The effect of not being able to get through to a person in that state is very similar to "battered woman syndrome", which protects, rationalizes and defends the abuser, in this case being the spiritual abuser.
...which was kind of her.
i find i like most christians, even mormons, and jw's.. she sent me a leaflet, which asks: where can we find the answers to life's big questions?
So, I've got that off my chest. I'm willing to answer any points arising. But if you don't approve of what I have said, don't blame me. Blame your Bristol, UK, branch for sending me your leaflet.
No points arising on my end, but thanks for sharing. This can help people see things from a different perspective. Thanks again.
we’ve all heard them all our life.
my two biggest stupidest ones i think are, “ we can really tell the end is almost here with the way people drive on the highway.” and a girl who said she wants to hurry up and marry her boyfriend because she’s scared if the end comes before their married, she’ll have to wait 1000 years to marry him.
oh and also a poor old lady saying that she hopes jehovah wipes away the memory of her disfellowshipped sons that he will have to destroy.
I know of a black Dominican JW woman who was convinced that in paradise she will be able to choose to be white and blonde.
People still read the Philadelphia Inquirer? I'm shocked!
Thanks for sharing the article. I have a few friends in the Philadelphia area that can use the info.
so let me introduce myself first: i've lurked here for years because i'm working on a long-term research project concerning jehovah's witnesses and i've collected data from this site (seriously, you guys are awesome, i've learned so much from this forum i never would have learned otherwise).
i've also collected data at multiple kingdom halls and read scholarly works on jehovah's witnesses and non-scholarly works as well (e.g., crisis of conscience).
so i have a pretty good sense of jehovah's witnesses even though i was not raised in this faith nor did i ever join up.
Welcome to the forum. I find what you're doing with your research really fascinating.
I'd ask you how close are you to that person? I think it would be a little odd if you intervene in a person's activities out of nowhere. Otherwise, if you have some degree of connection with that person, it would be easy to have a conversation about it.
Also, just leaving a letter seems a little "sneaky". How about striking a conversation, developing some rapport and maybe depending on what you'd get from that person, decide if/how to say something about it.
I'd suggest to avoid coming across as some person that comes out of nowhere to warn somebody. That could actually backfire and spark more interest instead of the probable desired effect you want to cause.
Normally I'd say "mind your own business" or something along those lines. Since you seem to have done some research, maybe sharing that with the person, without trying to influence their decisions, might be helpful.
At the end of the day, people are free to choose what to believe, study and follow.
greetings, pet owners and lovers:.
while i have no pets of my own, i do care for dogs and cats and have cared for bunnies and guinea pigs in the past.
i'm working on an essay with an 11-year-old student, and the subject is symbiotic relationships and how humans learn from their close interaction with animals.. here is a portion of the reference material under study:.
I still prefer the human experience. I take being human as it is, with its good traits and bad traits.
overcoming servile mind and a slave mentality.
"care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.
" —lao tzu.
Thank you for sharing this. I relate to some of what you posted. I have the feeling that many others too.
some people are of the opinion that it doesn't make any sense to be proud of one's nationality because we had nothing to do with where we were born.
the decision wasn't ours.
they opine that it's ludicrous to be proud of our countries' prior achievements if we had no part in those achievements because we weren't even around then.
Are You Proud of Your Country?
I'm proud of myself. The JW influence has nothing to do with my opinion about any of my nationalities. I had to learn a lot about it after, but now I can form my own thoughts, stances and opinions.
Also, I abide the law, vote, fight crime, recycle, pay way too many taxes, and do all my civic duties because I am a decent person, not because of my nationality(ies). And what I get in return is the President calling one of my heritages a "shithole country".
What I fight from the WT is the black-and-white mentality that if I'm not "proud" of my country I'm supposed to be some kind of enemy or unworthy of living in it. Fuck that. Right now I feel like I live in a (to borrow a line from somebody) "shithole country", and I am entitled to hate where it's heading. Right now I'm not proud of it.
i've recently watched the jw cartoons centered around teaching young kids the doctrines of this faith.
while i no longer practice any faith, i am well versed in this one.
i must say, these cartoons are in bad, bad taste.
I'm still waiting for the original poster to reply. As always, posts some crap and then disappears.
BTW, If you think that ending up with a bible enema is a bad thing, just think about what is inside her beloved bible, violence, genocide, rape, murders and incest, to name a few of the cute things that the bible has. Carrying the bible up your ass is nothing compared to what it contains.