Thanks for sharing. I know some of them from way back when, never get old, though.
JoinedPosts by scratchme1010
by The Fall Guy inwitness: yes.
attorney: and what were you doing at that time?
witness: yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and
What makes you---YOU?
by eyeuse2badub inof course this is an open ended question but have you ever really thought about what makes you who you are?.
is it our looks, our personality, our physique, our intelligence, our experiences and subsequent memories, our beliefs?
is it a combination of all these things and even more?
Of course this is an open ended question but have you ever really thought about what makes you who YOU are?
I have.
I'm sorry for those who lost loved ones. My condolences.
Trump mentality = Watchtower mentality
by doubtfull1799 inthe fake news is working overtime.
just reported that, despite the tremendous success we are having with the economy & all things else, 91% of the network news about me is negative (fake).
why do we work so hard in working with the media when it is corrupt?
jp1692, I believe that you are quite on point. I do note that the cult mentality is quite prevalent here. Some people don't seem ready to let go of that mindset quite yet. Donald Trump has never fooled me. I see right through his nonsense.
In any event, this thread is about the WT and DT mentality. I can also make a good case of it being about their followers' mentality. All you have to do is looking into the mindset of a cult follower. According to the experts, here are some typical characteristics of the cult follower, which are present in both WT followers and DT ass lickers:
- Cult members are “focused on a living leader/leadership to whom members seem to display excessively zealous, unquestioning commitment.”
- People evolve an us-versus-them outlook. Little by little, the leader criticizes other groups with which his members might tend to associate, undermining confidence in them, attempting to discredit anyone who could have influence over his flock.
They develop this herd mentality where the leader cannot do, say or be anything wrong.
Both the WT and DT are there because of their following. People really have to look into their own actions, attitudes and behaviors. This current USA administration is a disaster, it's a caravan of incompetence. The WT is a pathetic, mediocre minuscule religious organization. Hard to accept, but not impossible.
by new boy ini don't really have an opinion on the them one way or another.. when i was growing up the only place you saw them were on old ex military guys.
they had eagles with american flags or a heart with a knife through it.
some were so old and faded out you didn't know what they were supposed represent anymore.
I don't have any, but like you, I'm don't have any strong feelings towards having or not having any tattoos. I do see that many religious organizations have very strong stances against them. Some are quite nasty in the way they attack people with tattoos.
Thanks for sharing.
Have the Kingdom Hall's discontinued using mailboxes?
by longgone inabout one month ago, i sent my disassociation letters out, one was addressed to their headquarters in ny.
(usa) and three were addressed to the kingdom halls in my area.. now the strangest thing has happened, two of the letters that i sent to the local khs were returned to me by the post office labeled "return to sender-no mail recepticle-unable to forward.
" one came last week, and another one today.
They may have a PO Box where they receive their mail. Some times the post offices are not that reliable. Since the postal service has been reduced to what it is now, sometimes the mail gets returned.
Is there a way for you to verify the correct address? Sorry that the letters got returned. I'm sure that a disassociation letter isn't something one takes lightly.
Suicide in the spiritual paradise all too common
by doubtfull1799 injust heard that a young brother committed suicide this week - the whole congregation is naturally very distressed.
what a tragedy.
according to my source he'd only been married about a year and his wife found him - he’d hung himself.
Surely this should not happen if a spiritual paradise really existed!
To me this is as bad as what they JWs do, using a person's tragedy to make a point. Have some humanity.
"Demons" Living In My Brothers Gym Equipment
by pale.emperor inspoke to my younger brother dan yesterday (he da'd about 6 months ago).
he was telling me that he got a visit from our older brother the day before.
our older brother was raised a jw but never committed, lives a full-on "worldly" life - smokes, binge drinks, hangs out with non-jws, but he's been studying for about 6 years would you believe?.
That nonsense about things being possessed by demons has caused a lot of resentments from me too. I gave all my Engineering books and notebooks (with every single problem in the book beautifully solved; the best reference he could have used) to my JW nephew. That's gold for any Engineering student. Guess what they did with them. Yep, thrown away because of since the books came from the homosexual apostate of an uncle.
I have heard countless stupid stories about JWs doing all kinds of disregard for things that they don't know (or make up) their origin.
No matter what it is or what kind of explanation they give you. It's always nonsense.
How does mankind know what happen before we were created??
by James Mixon infor example, "and god said, let there be light: and there was light.
"a personal and vocal god said, "let there be light.
"so god saw the light, and thought it good, but how did the priestly scribe know that he did?
James Mixon, seems like you are only considering what people who believe in "Intelligent Design" (what a stretch!) and who are believes in the bible, consider, that is, what happened according to the bible God. However, as waton mention, and I'd like to add to, there's plenty of science that can trace a history of a lot of what happened (and formed) this wonderful planet we are in.
Remember that the bible was written at a time in humanity when humankind was the most naive about the world around it, so the explanations that they give are as good as the technology they had. Furthermore, for some reason people tend to forget that humans are as bad as they have been throughout their entire existence, hence, the same story tellers that we have today, we had back then.
The same way that we find people who tell stories, we did then.
I Went To My Brother’s Memorial Service at the Kingdom Hall
by minimus ini have to say that the talk was very good.
instead of just repeating a jw manual , the speaker actually spoke about my brother!
there were a few scriptures with the jw hope but 80 % of the talk was actually about the life of my brother.
First time I hear that they celebrate memorials for people other than Jesus. I'm glad that it was enjoyable. My condolences for the loss of your brother.