Thank you so much for sharing. This is very interesting. I know that it's quite a journey and a process for JWs who consider themselves not to be anointed, so I imagine that for you the process of leaving was a little steeper.
Anyway, you shared this:
I felt there was no other choice to make. It would be wrong to hope in a paradise earth, at least for me. I never excpected I would literally be punished by the Jehovah's Witnesses for believing the words of the Bible.
Could you elaborate a little more on this? I have a hard time understanding what makes some people believe that they are anointed. I know of many other JWs who feel and experience themselves all the things you did when started reading and studying the Bible, but they didn't feel like being one of the anointed. So my questions is, why the same bible study that many JWs have made you feel "chosen", where so many others, as fanatical as they become, still don't come to that conclusion?