...till I find out yesterday that her best friend is a tarot card reader...
And that's a deal breaker because...
well, i messaged someone on e-harmony and she messaged me back.
i did like her at first and she likes me too.
we exchanged more than 10 messages till i find out yesterday that her best friend is a tarot card reader.
...till I find out yesterday that her best friend is a tarot card reader...
And that's a deal breaker because...
yesterday i bumped into an old friend from my last workplace.
he's a gay man and we were good friends along with a woman from the same office.
although i was a jw at the time, i would go for the occasional after work drinks with them, blackpool funfair every year and the occasional cinema or theater.
On behalf of the entire LGBT community, thank you.
i was baptized in 1985, was a regular pioneer, ministerial servant, and on the way to becoming an elder when i left the witnesses in 1999. i also was one of those who claimed and (at the time ) believed i was one of the anointed.. i am wondering if there are any others here who also claimed they were of the anointed?
how did you come to that conclusion?
how do you feel about your claim now that you are out?.
Thank you so much for sharing. This is very interesting. I know that it's quite a journey and a process for JWs who consider themselves not to be anointed, so I imagine that for you the process of leaving was a little steeper.
Anyway, you shared this:
I felt there was no other choice to make. It would be wrong to hope in a paradise earth, at least for me. I never excpected I would literally be punished by the Jehovah's Witnesses for believing the words of the Bible.
Could you elaborate a little more on this? I have a hard time understanding what makes some people believe that they are anointed. I know of many other JWs who feel and experience themselves all the things you did when started reading and studying the Bible, but they didn't feel like being one of the anointed. So my questions is, why the same bible study that many JWs have made you feel "chosen", where so many others, as fanatical as they become, still don't come to that conclusion?
my set.
i’m paul.
i was born in croydon.
Love it. Please have your act recorded so we can watch it.
never a jw.
an hour ago i went to bid good bye my two brothers in law and their wives (all elders/elderettes).
@ Scratchme 1010 "I cannot fathom me growing up a JW in Puerto Rico seeing something like that, ever! I remember some elders going on and on and on about the Puerto Rican Bomba and Plena music having roots in African worshiping of deities and therefore being Satan's music."
Get with the programme, mate. The light just got brighter in JW land ! "Jehovah is a happy God and he wants his people to be happy too". Got a problem with that ? LMAO !!! The things people are willing to believe once they have handed over their intelligence and critical thinking to the JW Organisation !
I'm with you on this, mate, I think the organisation is now desperately "papering over cracks".
LOL! Actually, I definitely got "with that programme". After leaving I cannot count the amount of Plena and Bomba festivals I've been to .
I wonder if they danced "la pelua".
i am still having issues with my still in wife.
my two son's and i don't want anything to do with the cult.
our marriage is a battle ground all the time.
she treats me and our sons like shit, not affectionate (not that she really ever was...i blame on being brought up in a cult)
I think this part I relate to (although I am not in a heterosexual marriage with two children, please read on). This is how my mother used to behave. She had no problem being a total b to her children and husband.
Something that helped me was using her own nonsense against her. My father did the same thing. "I'm not a JW but I'm still the man of the house". If showing all the doctrine flaws that the WT has in their teaching and their actions doesn't work, maybe putting in practice an emphasizing all the crap that women in the JWs have to put up with just for being women may help her open her eyes. Every time that there's a disagreement remind her that JW or not, you are still a man, and the man of the house, and according to the JWs, she have to be submissive to you. You are the one running the house and she has to follow according to the JWs, and if I remember well, for as long as you don't interfere with her JW nonsense, she must obey you.
She cannot pick and choose which JW doctrine she will follow in the house. Some manipulative people do that --it, some people are JWs only for what is convenient to them.
She is hurting the family, her own children. Something should be done about it.
ok so i have a question.
i was a very, very true believer until i saw the child molesters in my hall and how that whole thing was handled.. my husband is older than i am and had been an elder for 12 when we married.
so fast forward to 06, we are in a hall where i thought all the elders were ok at the worst and great at the best.
So this one elder who I thought was friends with my husband and me and who is married and we have had him and his wife to dinner and even taken them out to dinner. He turns into being one of the biggest supports of the child molesters.
First, I'm sorry that you're going through such difficult times. Second, no, you are not crazy; they are a bunch of inappropriate disgusting men, covering up for a pedophile. The WT does not care about the well being of children, period. Their decisions and actions are based in covering their own interests and carrying on with their nonsense as much as they can.
Unfortunately, you are experiencing precisely what that main issue with child abuse is, which is how willing people are to cover tings up and protect the pedophile instead of the children. Those people's behaviors are completely inappropriate, maybe illegal.
Question, are you in the USA? If so, is that pedophile guy a registered sex offender? If so, since you have now been labeled and treated as the problem instead of humanitarian help, are you willing to continue in your position? If so, are you willing to report the guy to the police if you know and have evidence that he's around children? Are you willing to deal with the aftermath of that in the congregation? Do you have the support of your husband in that respect? Where is he standing with that, is he with you, does he see the same thing that you see?
As for the creepy elder, use the word harassment every time he addresses you for anything. He is an inappropriate creep. He has no business addressing you. You can use their own system against him and tell him that he's no allowed to talk to you without your husband present.
never a jw.
an hour ago i went to bid good bye my two brothers in law and their wives (all elders/elderettes).
I cannot fathom me growing up a JW in Puerto Rico seeing something like that, ever! I remember some elders going on and on and on about the Puerto Rican Bomba and Plena music having roots in African worshiping of deities and therefore being Satan's music.
neat little article:.
i apologize in advance if it was previously posted.
Thanks. Interesting thoughts.
l was just wondering if they actually get off their fat plump bums (over fed) and set an example of door to door witnessing..
All I know is that I don't anymore.