When I left the org, the JW's tried their best to guilt trip me. Some of the questions I was asked and things I was told:
"How could you POSSIBLY be happy outside of Jehovah's Organization?" (watch me!)
"The world will eat you alive and spit you back out!"
"Why don't you just humble yourself and talk to the elders?" (because they are men maybe?)
"The elders might DF you, but they might not, just talk to them"
"Do you really want to see your 3 year old daughter destroyed?"
"I know you are not responsible for them, but what do you think all of the young bros will think when they see you leaving?" (reminded me of Charles Barkley, I am NOT a role model for your kids )
"What does the world really have to offer you?" (idk, sanity and freedom from cults?)
Did anyone else experience guilt trips and shaming?
Sounds like my parents raising me. In fact, in my experience most organized religions act this way. Trying to guilt and/or scare people into staying "in line" with them and their purpose goes to the core of most religious organizations I know. Christianity is a very guilt- and shame-based religious philosophy.
And yes, there's absolutely no mercy. They are more than happy to shun their own loved ones over their Jehovah. That right there tells you how "loving" they are.