JoinedPosts by scratchme1010
New York daredevil kid
by berrygerry injust watching makes me shiver.
If this system goes on.
by karter ini heard my hard out jw sister say that for the 1st time in many years and i'm hearing more and more jw's saying that.
years ago when i was in they talked about the new system coming any minute..
"There is more new light now than back then, this time we are truly deep, deep in the time of the end, and this system will end any day now"
That has become part of the same BS they keep saying. Their standard response to their crap about this system coming to an end is that now we're even closer.
My issue with most religions is precisely the horrible, negative, catastrophic view of the world. Centuries, if not millenniums have passed and they keep playing the same lame sad negative song about how bad things are. More BS. Life is just what it is.
"It is an inspired expression of error to not believe the end will come in our lifetime".
I agree. I have been really inspired to express everything about all their errors in their stupid believes about some end that will never come in any lifetime.
Anyway, smarty pants that I am, when my sister came up to try to appeal to some false sense of urgency by telling be about the "end of the system being near", I stopped her, Held my hand high and started counting seconds with my fingers. At the count of ten I said: "Look! It's ten seconds closer now". I said that with a mocking smile on my face. Never again she tried that crap on me.
OK I have had it with our Creator, "A booze gene".
by James Mixon inscientists have discovered a booze gene.
so can one be df for drunkenness if they have a booze gene???
Scientists have discovered a booze gene. So can one be DF for drunkenness if they have a booze gene????
Even if there isn't such thing as a "booze gene", the chemical dependence on alcohol cannot just disappear by reading the bible. Ask many JWs, they can tell you.
Looking for a bit of advice in a difficult situation
by Oversteer ini'm looking for a bit of guidance here and not really sure where to turn.
maybe someone has been in a similar situation and can help me out.. currently i'm an awake, baptized jw.
have been for a few years.
So I decided to back away from this argument until it has been determined I am even a compatible donor or not. Now my dilemma is: if the results come back that I am a compatible donor what do I do? Out myself and get DF'd, or back away from the situation and let another JW family member do the surgery?
I'm so sorry that you're going through that, makes me hate the WT a lot more to hear that lives, literally, are on the line hear thanks to their nonsense.
But this is about you. My thoughts are these: You are being a good, excellent relative. Even people with no problem at all with the blood transfusion sometimes refuse to be a donor. That matters a lot.
I think that in this instance, you made your sibling aware that this is the position you are holding, that you are more than happy to be of help and a donor if you are a match. Your sibling already knows that. It's his/her choice that has been made available to him/her.
I feel that once your sibling knows that there is a choice available, you can drop the topic and continue your plan staying a JW/not staying a JW as per your original plan. I imagine that your sibling is an adult, as such (s)he knows and has the right to make the choice (s)he decides regarding treatment for him/her.
I think all you can do is reiterate the choice that your sibling has, but ultimately it's on your sibling to make the final decision. As heartbreaking as it is, ultimately when an adult makes a decision regarding medical treatment, it has to be respected.
The tricky part is if staying a JW in good standing and still your sibling knowing that the choice of you being the donor is still available. It's not impossible if you play your cards right, but it's difficult.
It's a very unfortunate situation. I hope my thoughts help.
Went to a psychiatrist yesterday.
by Crazyguy intold her how i lost faith in god, read the bible a studied ancient manuscripts etc.. told her about my life experiences and how i've just don't believe anymore yet have family that are believers and don't want to alienate myself from them.
she went away for awhile then came back and said "crazyguy you have what's called a bad case of logic, reason , and common sense.
" she then said "i think i have a product that can help, it's a new pill i can prescribe you called, delusionrx.
Double LOL!
A gaping hole in Theism
by evilApostate inbeing in a jw family while not being a jw yourslef is pretty hard.
to them, you're just as good as dead because all unbelievers will be eternally destroyed at armageddon.
this problem exists in many other religions.. i once had a friend from work tell me that she wanted me to become a christian like her because if i didn't, i would burn in hell for all eternity.
I certainly agree with all you state; it's a great logical reasoning behind your thoughts. However, for the sake of argument, and definitely not to contradict or refute your statements, but more in the spirit of sharing thoughts:
An important question which arises is, "What if I am punished for worshipping the wrong diety?" Clearly, everyone can't be right at the same time.
I'd say, not that clearly. There are several religious organizations (granted many are very modern) that don't believe that they are the one and only way of reaching their god. Also, I've known of some christians who are human enough to let others (including in their own families) worship and are happy that other behave according to their morals and religious believes, even though they don't share religious denominations.
Also, using your same reasoning, their God may want things that way, as ultimately he's supposed to be the one deciding who goes to heaven and who doesn't.
Therefore, it is pointless for one religion to claim superiority over others when it may also be wrong. Many theists feel that only atheists and agnostics are at risk of punishment.
That is based on the premise that the one and only reason people join a religious organization is for salvation. That is far from the reality. Sociologists, psychologists and other professionals in the matter agree that many churches are social clubs. People join for the after school programs, for having a healthy atmosphere for their families, to join other families that are expected to be decent and with the same set of morals, to participate in dances, retreats, and other events that are organized by the church, to dress nicely, to be invited to weddings, and the list of social reasons goes on.
Also, there are many different reasons why people join and stay in a religious organization. Many of them have to do with staying away from certain crowds, to maintain sobriety from alcohol/drug abuse, to find a decent mate, to mention a few. Many people really can't care less about salvation, not even doctrine. They want a sense of support and safety.
Then there are the "Christers". That term was introduced to me by my husband's sister. A Christer is a "Christmas and Easter only Christian". Some people go to church, and consider themselves part of it, even though they visit their religious organizations in special events, such as weddings, funerals, Easter, etc. Those can't care less about salvation either. I consider those the "cool Christians". Those tend to have a general believe in the church's teachings but live and let live.
Along the same line of the Christers are those that I call "christian by ethnicity". There are a lot, and I mean a lot, of people who go to church because it's family tradition, and because it's what their community/culture does, and they only go for a sense of belonging to their culture and/or community.
As for the superiority, only a few, and those tend to be those cult-like organizations, like the WT, are the ones that blatantly teach that they are the one and only entity in god's favor. If you notice those who feel superior for being Christian or for having "the truth", or for being "saved", are people who stand out from the crowd of their congregations for being that way. Their religion doesn't teach to be superior (there's an entire psychology behind the superiority feeling for being "chosen"). Those traits, the propensity to be, feel and act in that superior way, exist in the person that chooses to do so. The religion is used as a catalyst or trigger for what already exists in the person, unless it's a cult or cult-like religion that promotes that, then the entire congregation is encouraged to feel and act superior.
So yes, although I definitely agree with your statements, I believe that there's more to the story.
Today's Text - Marry ONLY In The Lord!
by Divergent inwarning - long post ahead!
monday, november 28.
what we will notice is that there are three scriptural answers to this question.
According to them, a JW woman should marry any disrespectful, abusive, cheating, addicted, insane or homosexual closet case for as long as that man is a JW.
According to them, a JW man should marry any passive/aggressive, psycho, gold digger manipulative bitch for as long as she is a JW.
According to them, gay people should marry any disrespectful, abusive, cheating, addicted, insane or homosexual closet case, or any passive/aggressive, psycho, gold digger manipulative bitch for as long as that man or woman is a JW of the opposite gender.
Jehovah's Witnesses did not protect children from abuse, inquiry finds.
by pale.emperor in
im printing this off and spending my next sunday morning doing some door to door work posting this article through all the letter boxes of the street my local kh is on.. it's shocking that none of the r&f know about this.
i have a feeling that the 2 witness rule will be revised in 2017 and made to look like it was jehovah's proper time.
I have a feeling that the 2 witness rule will be revised in 2017 and made to look like it was Jehovah's proper time. When in fact they dont even know there's been 5 decades of cover up and a major court case forcing them to make a change.
When I asked my JW sister in Puerto Rico if she was aware of The Royal Commission in Australia, and she had no idea what i was talking about.
So my guess is that the WT will take the measures they need to take in Australia, leaving the rest of the pedophiles free to do whatever they want in the rest of the world.
Introduction to Isaiah
by Presh inplease, i am newly ministerial servant.
i recieved a new assignment which says: introduction to isaiah "let us go up to the mountain of jehovah” *video*(10 min.
this is my first time assignment.
Please, I am newly ministerial servant. I recieved a new assignment which says: Introduction to Isaiah "Let Us Go Up to the Mountain of Jehovah” *Video*(10 min.) .
This is my first time assignment. I don't know how and what to say. Please I need your help
Can't help but being curious: Why are you asking about that here?
Say nothing, stop being a JW, fade and be happy. There are more important problems in thins world.
News article Spain: The parallel justice of the Jehovah's Witnesses (El Pais)
by sp74bb insource:
(video included, with witnessing of israel flórez lopez, abused as a child).
google translation:.
Muy buen artículo, sp74bb. Me gustó mucho el vídeo que resume la postura de esa organización.
Gracias por compartir el artículo.