I feel pretty foolish after reading the drivel in today's WT. Here I was operating under the impression that showing kindness to strangers was something that one did unselfishly. Boy was I wrong! Here are just a few of the statements about how to show kindness to strangers that are going to be slurped up today.
"...warm welcome at the Kingdom Hall."
"Jehovah is equally concerned about people... who attend meetings..."
"...loving concern for fellow believers from other lands..."
"...neighbors, fellow workers, schoolmates make derogatory remarks about those of another background."
"We can show kindness...by warmly greeting them at the Kingdom Hall."
"To help others feel at home in the congregation...why not accept them just the way they are?"
"We rejoice that Jehovah in his...kindness...has allowed people from all backgrounds...to associate with us."
So there we have it. Kindness is shown by getting people in the door of the KH. No one else is kind but rather they always speak derogatorily of others. Is there any wonder that I am FedUp?
Here's something interesting to look at too, FedUpJW. Do you notice that the WT actually have to tell people to be welcoming and loving, even when it is to their own KH? If that doesn't give you a clue of how that organization tries to influence people to the point that they cannot even know to be welcoming, I don't know what does.
That organization takes away so much from people. It's insane.
Thank you for posting this.