So again, I was thinking...they are not actually beating us physically, but mentally to think, something is wrong with us & we are not presenting the message properly....The brothers go on the stage with examples of how you could start a study, & they are effective...yes, on the stage. They are no more effective then the average friend.
How I see it, if folks aren't hungry or thirsty, you can't sell them food or water....folks only buy what they need, if they think they don't need it...they won't buy nor listen to it...
What do you say ?
My saying is that this is the biggest proof to me of how full of --it that organization is. This is their biggest contradictions. According to their own teachings, the proselytizing and reaching out to people is supposed to dwindle as the world is supposed to become such a horrible place where no one wants to hear about their Jehovah. Well, that seems to be happening (in great part thanks to the fact that now the Internet has connected many ex-JWs who are no longer isolated and compare notes). Yet, instead of telling them to be happy because their preaching work is supposed to be coming to an end, at the same time that they claim that their so-called tribulation is near, what they are doing is the complete opposite.
They keep pressuring JWs to get more people instead of letting them know that their work is supposed to be over as the end is near. But of course, many of us are well aware of how full of nonsense their teachings are.