I was never great at programming, but I had to do some for a few jobs I had. Good to find out about a few new things. I'm afraid to mention the languages I started with (FORTRAN was one of them). I didn't get to use punch cards, though.
JoinedPosts by scratchme1010
My real name (and a shameless self promotion)
by schnell inmy real name is benjamin heath, i live in southern oregon, usa, and you can always reach me on twitter @ben_heath_.
i have also rebooted my blog at benheathonline.com which is linked with my twitter.
i intend to write about experiences at work and in life, as well as whatever it is i'm reading about at the moment.. i'm a programmer by hobby, a truck driver by profession, an atheist by education and reasoning, and an ex-jw by choice.
Not Inspired?
by kairos inthe head, jesus christ, supplies the body members with what is needed for good cooperation, coordination, and spiritual nourishment.
in such respects, the governing body is organized to take the lead as jehovah directs them by holy spirit.. 2008 wt 5/15 pg 29. the party's over....
Not sure if I'm missing something, kairos, but I fail to see anything different or new they say. As for the rest, I still can't see why entertaining their nonsense if by know we know that they are full of nonsense.
Jesus Christ was no Moses
by smiddy inmoses has a history of what 80+ years as a servant of jehovah ?
in one form or another .. moses wrote / penned the first five books of the bible and went through many trials and tribulations in serving his god jehovah in his long lifetime.interacting with god at times.. jesus was born and nothing is recorded of him until he is a young adolescent child ?
and very little about him.. then we are introduced to him when he is 30 years old and gets baptised ,and only then does he start his preaching .. does he start preaching to the world ?
Moses served his God Jehovah for at least 40 years and acheived a lot in that time and wrote five books of the Bible.
Jesus ? preached for 3 years to a small group of jewish people under Roman rule ,never writing anything down for the benefit of the jewish community he preached to let alone the human race he is supposed to save as a human sacrifice on their behalf.?
And Jesus is supposed to be the greater Moses ? Who is kidding who here .
I didn't know there was a competition over who doe what and how much.
My real name (and a shameless self promotion)
by schnell inmy real name is benjamin heath, i live in southern oregon, usa, and you can always reach me on twitter @ben_heath_.
i have also rebooted my blog at benheathonline.com which is linked with my twitter.
i intend to write about experiences at work and in life, as well as whatever it is i'm reading about at the moment.. i'm a programmer by hobby, a truck driver by profession, an atheist by education and reasoning, and an ex-jw by choice.
Nice to meet you schnell, I mean, Benjamin Heath. Good to hear that my crassness (at times) serves for something. What language(s) do you program in?
I am Deaf and blind is Jehovah going to destroy me because I can't hear or see a JW broadcast or read a watchtower or go to the kingdumb hall???
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE inan easy way to stump the delusional jws at your door is come to the door with sunglasses on holding a sign with the words in the above title, and not say a word.
the reaction will be priceless.... hopefully it will wake up those that still have some use of their thinking abilities..
Or you can just tell them go go away.
the future for the borg
by pepperheart init look very possible that the borg could lose their charity status in both the uk and oz if this happens the jw will not have all the tax breaks for the buildings that they have now.and that the headquarters will have to start finding extra money.and as they have done so much cost cutting anyway these past years i think they will have to start selling kingdom halls off.
Are they successful enough as a real estate co. to survive all the lawsuits?
One of the lawsuits settled for $300,000. They sold one KH for way more than that. remember, they had all congregations in the USA turn over their KHs to them. That is billions of startup dollars that they got for free. Without making any sell, they already made billions of dollars, so what do you think?
If they lose their charity status they will be upset, but they also will be way far from bankruptcy.
My Mother reach out to me AGAIN!
by HereIgo inabout 3 weeks ago i created a thread due to my mom reaching out to me (we hadn't talked in over 2 years due to typical jw politics).
well, today she reached out again thought facebook messenger saying " i'm so sorry i hurt you my beautiful baby boy.
i'm hurting very much also.
She said " Because I love you, but our difference keep us apart"
I replied,
"They only will if you let them. Because I could be the most sinful person on planet earth and yet you would still talk to me if I was never baptized. But, because I made the decision to get baptized at age 16, barely old enough to drive, I am being responsible for it. At the end of the day, I believe we have to walk our own path and be responsible to God directly and I'm fine with that. What I'm not fine with is being accountable to imperfect men. Men, who I have seen say and do things that are not so Christian. Being "imperfect" is an excuse you can only use so far when you claim to be God's mouthpiece. I'm not the only one. I believe half of witness have doubts. The question is, who is afraid to speak up? Who is afraid to lose family? I've never been a follower."
She never responded back.
Did I come across too strong? Do you think what I said was thought provoking enough? Thoughts?
I remember your previous post, and I remember my reply, and this is exactly what I mentioned. Again, there is a possibility that she is just being a mom. JWs are human too.
Not sure if you were too strong or not, but I want to ask you, would you be open to the possibility of having her in her life as a JW if she's respectful of where you stand?
She is your mother and she (may, I don't know the specifics) love you. She may be reaching out as a mother. I have some relatives who have reached out to me in spite of what the WT says. it is possible that she may be doing that on her own.
Don't shut the door. Not yet at least. Try to find out where she's coming from. She may be hurting, or she may be looking for a way to push the JW agenda. Only one way to find out, have a talk with her.
Here's a morbid thought...
by Rainbow_Troll init probably will never happen but... imagine the gb recieved some new light that told them the great tribulation was imminent.
the world is going to hell and all jws can expect until armageddon is terrible persecution the likes of which no christian has ever experienced in two thousand years.
but jehovah has a solution: put yourself and your family 'to sleep' and after armageddon's over, jehovah will 'wake his people up' at the resurrection.
Frankly, this is one of my nightmares. I know it seems improbable now, but keep in mind that even Heaven's Gate explicitely taught that suicide was wrong.. until Applewhite got his new orders from the saucermen. It wouldn't be hard to pull off either. The Org has a very efficient private grapevine that allows them to swiftly and discretely communicate with any congregation in the world. No need to publish anything in the official publications. It could be done in a matter of hours.
It's a real possibility. Cults do have people make decisions they would never otherwise made for themselves or their loved ones. However, that said, I don't think that that's the WT's style. It's not in their best interest, as of now to have people take such drastic measures.
Remember, the WT has a real estate business. They are flourishing and growing financially, so there's no need to have their crop killed (yet).
Why was corruption of scriptures not prevented?
by anointed1 inmany bracketed portions in the scriptures, influence of foreign myths and unscientific teachings … etc show that scriptures have been corrupted.
even when they are not corrupted, religious teachings have often no effect even on direct disciples (when jesus was teaching, his immediate disciples were thinking about who was going to be first in the organization—something that happened in all religions which led into their infighting and divisions).
at the same time there are many good people among materialists, why?
Ok, so I am sticking to the topic title:
Why was corruption of scriptures not prevented?
It was never meant to be considered holy, nor the word of god, simply because, well, it isn't.
Many bracketed portions in the scriptures, influence of foreign myths and unscientific teachings … etc show that scriptures have been corrupted. Even when they are not corrupted, religious teachings have often no effect even on direct disciples (when Jesus was teaching, his immediate disciples were thinking about who was going to be first in the organization—something that happened in all religions which led into their infighting and divisions)
Even if the "scriptures" were never corrupted, there are a few thinks I think are very important to consider:
- Today, any tweet is 1,000 times more reliable and clear than anything written in the bible. Yet, people claim that the bible has such an important message, and it's from no more and no less from the being that it's supposed to know everything, including the future, including what has happened to the original writings of the bible.
- Why the idea of leaving a book written for thousands of years? Why writing it in languages that were so limited? Why writing it in visions, prophesies, parables, and symbolisms? That doesn't sound to me like such an important message that is meant to save as much people as possible.
The rest of your post, IMO, is just unrelated.
Why isnt the overlapping generation( interpretation), consistently applied to these scriptures.?
by smiddy inwhy does the wt interpret matt.24:34 "truly i say to you this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.
" as having overlapping generations ?
and not applying the same reasoning to any other scripture/s referring to a generation or this generation .?
Quite frankly the overlapping generation interpretation is even more ridiculous when considering these scriptures about a generation or this generation.
And their is no scriptual validation for the Governing Body to make such a claim of an overlapping generation.
Yet, people still insist in using the bible as a reliable source of information. Go figure.