Thank you for sharing. Some of my thoughts are a long the lines that there's a ring of true in a number of things that are publicized about it, but like with everything else, some people use that to push some kind of agenda.
1) This has been documented by the ancients (from the Summerians, Jews, Chinese, etc.).
I'm still quite baffled about people believing that because something was written long ago it's true. Fakers, hagglers and liars existed back then as they do now.
2) Cycles of catastropheThis one can be used as an excuse to sell anything bad that people claim is going to happen. Ask the WT.
3) Climate change is happening in the solar system
And so has been the case since the beginning of time.
4) Preparations of governments indicating a great cover-up
Such as...
5) Missing trillions of dollars
This one is just laughable.
6) Preparations for martial law, especially in USA
More laughable stuff.
7) Robert Harrington and the Washington Post article
It was in a newspaper; it has to be true! It actually may be true. Are there any other sources of reliable information about this?
8) Earthly sightings increasing
That happens every time I go to the beach. Not sure what that even means.
9) Blackout on Google sky, which they had to put back
I think this is just downright nonsense
10) A lot of disinformation doing the rounds (a lot of Alien stories and/or religious opinions obscuring the facts)
Including the ones supporting your believes, which BTW, some I share.
Yes, there's a lot of misinformation, but aside from that, what I find off putting is the tone in which people talk about this.