And just as many people here will accuse Witnesses of just believing what Watchtower tells them is because they want it to be true, same thing that I have seen here and on other sites. Six Screens did a whole story that Watchtower spent 30+ million dollars on blimps so that they could get GB members from Warwick to Brooklyn fast. Without exception people on there believed it whole heartedly because they want to believe it is true no matter what. Lets take away the fact that Warwick to the city even by car is only 1 hour 15 minutes and they did not take into account that there is nowhere to park a blimp anywhere in NYC, and even if they were to park it at JFK, it would take an hour to get from Queens to Brooklyn. But it is what they wanted to believe that Watchtower is this evil organization that has spent millions of dollars on this luxury.
You just don't get it. The WT is a self-centered cocky careless organization. If you like facts, you stop trying to portrait us as people who want to demonize it, and instead look at the facts that we present to you to prove what that entity is. It is evil, it does cause harm to people. I can't care less about Warwick or whether they flourish or perish. The WT has caused harm to people. People have died because of them. They have made people let loved ones die over the blood thing, intervenes with people's decisions about career, marriage, medical decisions, who they should marry, who they can talk to, what music they can listen to, and all simply and exclusively for enriching themselves. They do nothing, absolutely nothing at all for any of the communities where they exist and have congregations.
The WT is bad.
There are legitimate things that people on here and former JWs have concerns over without manipulating what is said or trying to pass off opinion as a fact.
According to who?