So there... first useful fact about the Watchtower that we can get from 90 years of data.
There's another useful fact you can get from their data: they are full of --it.
so the other day someone asked me what use was it to make the list of countries in which there have been reports.... well... to know that, as far as i can tell, there has never been preaching done in oman.. it has never appeared in any report, and the reports go back to 1926!.
all other countries and lands have appeared, but not oman.. so there... first useful fact about the watchtower that we can get from 90 years of data..
So there... first useful fact about the Watchtower that we can get from 90 years of data.
There's another useful fact you can get from their data: they are full of --it.
hello, my brothers.
iam new here and a need your help.. my problem is that i cant find were to download the library 2015 - cd-rom (set-up).
can you guys help me out on this one?.
I hope you don't find it and don't effing call me brother.
to show respects for the older bro who died.. first thing i noticed.
the noise!..
jw never learn to sit and do so quietly.
jw never learn to sit and do so quietly. It might as well been a standard kh meeting.
They have to be told everything.
JW funerals are advertising of their agenda. They use them to try to manipulate people who have lost a loved one to join them. They know that high chances are not every person attending is a JW so they have the disrespectful idea of using somebody's loss to push their agenda.
as you know jw's preach god's kingdom is the only solution to poverty, hunger, injustice etc.
but as you recall the the "final solution" of the nazi's was the extermination of jews and other inferior humans.
so in reality god's solution to rid mankind of it's problems is to exterminate 99.9% of mankind whom he deems inferior.
The WT's Jehovah is a psychopath with extreme mood swings. Reminds me of Roger from American Dad.
when i was a zealous publisher, once i took co for a return visit to learn how he handles difficult questions.
house holder brought the subject of joshua secretly sending two spies to spy out the city of jericho before its planned conquest, and asked: “wasn’t joshua acting in a human way here?
why would joshua need to send spies if he was the commander-in-chief appointed by god the almighty?”.
We were conditioned to believe that those men were very wise, great role models and knowledgeable of everything JW. I only met one who I felt wasn't a big disappointment. The rest were all quacks.
beardless jesus in watchtower publications between 1930s and 1960s.
a simple detail 'deliberately' left out.
the question is why?.
The question is WHY?
Fashion statement?
MY guess is that they attack men who grow a beard, so maybe they are trying to show Jesus without one in accordance to the nonsense they like going after.
been reading this site for awhile now.
i have had a long and often tragic life as a jw.
my story is so long because i'm pretty old :) i feel sad i've been locked in fear and guilt for my entire life.
I've decided I can't continue to serve Jehovah purely out of fear. Even today's WT had an element of fear in it. There is no one to talk to withing the organization. I briefly mentioned a few of my concerns to my BF and she went crazy accusing me of going on sites etc. My husband, once a RP and MS is truly awake to everything. I was born in so it's way harder for me. I just don't want to get it wrong. So, I'll stop rambling. Just thank you guys. x
Very nice to meet you and I'm glad that you posted. I'm sure there may have been some doubts and uneasiness by doing this. I'm glad you did.
There are no easy answers. Your well being as an individual and your spiritual well being are the things that matter most. I don't think it's necessary to get into read this, learn that, look for this, examine that. In your post you clearly mention that you have been doing that anyway.
I'm glad that you are sharing something that many current and former JWs don;t have the opportunity to share about. That is, what you feel. People stay for a long time in places like their congregations for a long time for many reasons, including the ones you give.
I hope that you get to feel better and more human than just blindly following what you are told in your congregation. No need to explain why you stayed for a long time. The time in that organization doesn't matter as much as the influence in instills in people and the fact that you have your time to make decisions right. Some people just leave without really preparing for it. It's harder when time passes and your life passes and you feel more invested in it. None of it really matters. I'm glad that you're here now.
this post may be disturbing and i apologize, but i'm just trying to find out if this is a practice the jw teaches.
i was taken advantage of by a guy claiming to be a jw preacher.
he took me to his house supposedly so i could give his daughter piano lessons, and then he basically forced himself on me while telling me he was in love with me and wanted to marry me.
Does this org actually teach people to do this, or have I just run into a really bad guy who also happens to be a JW?
I fail to read in your post that the guy has been arrested and is in jail. In your post you seem more concerned about the reputation of the WT organization than you being rape. That doesn't sound right to me. Please have that em effer arrested and you go get help.
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whenever i prayed, it was always done consciously and ostensibly to another person -- a higher, spirit person -- called jehovah.
the subject was always something about me, even if it was for someone else.
if i prayed to thank jehovah for my meal, it was about me.
When I meditate, I usually close my eyes. Sometimes I open them. I focus on breathing. I count my breaths. In a few minutes, my mind and body have calmed down. I feel a smile. I feel my place in the space where I'm sitting, and I notice things. I at first try to squelch all my thoughts, and focus on breathing. At some point though, I let them off the leash and my thoughts go absolutely wild. Then I bring them back in and focus some more. All of this is ultimately self-centered, except there is no guilt to that connotation whatever. It's mindfulness, really. Indeed, I am quite happy to be myself.
Meditation has suited me much better for decades now. I don't have a formal way or time for me to do it, but it works well. That's how I found my true spirituality, that is, without any ritual, no church/KH, no Bible, no one telling me what to say or how to say it, and in private all by myself in a very intimate setting in connection with my spirituality.
A final note: If I am in a group that insists on having a prayer before a meal, I have noticed that I survive the night perfectly in tact no matter what it is I'm thinking of during the obligatory prayer. No lightning, no leprosy. Hilarious.
I have participated in other people's praying before a meal out of respect for them. I can't care less about the meaning of it or what it's supposed to do, and like you, my meal has remained as great (or not so when it's not) regardless of what I do or think during/about the prayer.
The beauty of meditation is the intimate quality to it. It's just you and whatever/whoever you feel is your spiritual guiding force. No need to explain it, no need to follow rules, and it's very peaceful.
if you did a news search on google news today, jan. 15, 2017 what would you find it you typed in "jehovah's witnesses"?
i did an analysis of news searches under the main christian religions in the us and this is what i found:.
if you click on google news and type in the following religions' names and then look at the news headline for each of the and description with out actually clicking on it, but just just what google provides for a clip or snipet of information and then click on the next page and the next page until you got to 5 pages down in the news for today (jan 15, 2017) this is what i found for those news mentioning anything about "sexual abuse" of any kind per religion.. mormon 0 and latter day saints 0. catholic 1. presbyterian 0. lutheran 0. methodist 0. episcopal 0. protestant 0. evangelical 0. unitarian 0. jehovah's witnesses 6. pretty interesting that the jw's get more about sexual abuse than any other major religion in the us isn't it?
Pretty interesting that the JW's get more about sexual abuse than any other major religion in the US isn't it? Gee I wonder why that is. Feel free to type in the name of any religion into the Google news search box at any time and see what results you get over the next 5 pages. How many mention "sexual abuse" or the equivalent of that in the news search. The JW's top the list.
Interesting, but if you'd like to be more accurate, make sure that you factor location, previous searches and your Google search settings. All those things affect your results.