Why I have the feeling that some JWs actually may want them to exist.
JoinedPosts by scratchme1010
Shun Glasses
by Tallon insaw this on another exjw site and had a good laugh.. hope you get a kick out of it too ;).
by scratchme1010 ini just learned that the word "trumpery" actually exists.
interesting definition:.
I guess. You can say the exact same thing about Obama, though.
Birthday Wishes Welcome!
by LifesNotOver inmany of you don't know me or won't remember me.
i left the jw's and my husband and my home last september - forging a new life in a new town.
i haven't posted here for many months, but have been reading most days.
Congratulations! 71 and FABOO!
Happy birthday.
by scratchme1010 ini just learned that the word "trumpery" actually exists.
interesting definition:.
I just learned that the word "trumpery" actually exists. Interesting definition:
trump·er·yˈtrəmp(ə)rē/archaicnounnoun: trumpery; plural noun: trumperies- 1.attractive articles of little value or use.
- practices or beliefs that are superficially or visually appealing but have little real value or worth.
1.showy but worthless.
"trumpery jewelry"
What an appropriate adjective. -
Child Abuse Inquiry Websites
by darkspilver infyiengland and walesthe independent inquiry into child sexual abuse (iicsa)https://www.iicsa.org.ukhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/independent_inquiry_into_child_sexual_abusescotlandscottish child abuse inquiryhttps://www.childabuseinquiry.scotnorthern irelandthe historical institutional abuse inquiryhttps://www.hiainquiry.orghttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/northern_ireland_historical_institutional_abuse_inquiryrepublic of irelandcommission to inquire into child abusehttp://www.childabusecommission.iehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/commission_to_inquire_into_child_abuseaustraliaroyal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abusehttp://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.auhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/royal_commission_into_institutional_responses_to_child_sexual_abuseany others?...
does your country, state or province have one?....
National Child Abuse Hotline
1-800-422-4453Child Sexual Abuse
Darkness to Light
Phone: 866.FOR.LIGHT (866.367.5444)
People They Help: Children and adults needing local information or resources about sexual abuse
Family Violence
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Phone: 800.799.SAFE (800.799.7233)
TTY: 800.787.3224
Video Phone Only for Deaf Callers: 206.518.9361
People They Help: Children, parents, friends, offenders
Help for Parents
National Parent Helpline®
Phone: 855.4APARENT (855.427.2736) (available 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., PST, weekdays)
People They Help: Parents and caregivers needing emotional support and links to resources
Human Trafficking
National Human Trafficking Hotline
Phone: 888.373.7888
People They Help: Victims of human trafficking and those reporting potential trafficking situations
Mental Illness
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Phone: 800.950.NAMI (800.950.6264) (available 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., ET, weekdays)
People They Help: Individuals, families, professionals
Missing/Abducted Children
Child Find of America
Phone: 800.I.AM.LOST (800.426.5678)
People They Help: Parents reporting lost or abducted children, including parental abductions
Child Find of America—Mediation
Phone: 800.A.WAY.OUT (800.292.9688)
People They Help: Parents (abduction, prevention, child custody issues)
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Phone: 800.THE.LOST (800.843.5678)
TTY: 800.826.7653
People They Help: Families and professionals (social services, law enforcement)
Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN)
Phone: 800.656.HOPE (800.656.4673)
People They Help: Rape and incest victims, media, policymakers, concerned individuals
Substance Abuse
National Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Information Center
Phone: 800.784.6776
People They Help: Families, professionals, media, policymakers, concerned individuals
Suicide Prevention
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Phone: 800.273.TALK (800.273.8255)
TTY: 800.799.4TTY (800.799.4889)
People They Help: Families, concerned individuals
Youth in Trouble/Runaways
National Runaway Switchboard
Phone: 800.RUNAWAY (800.786.2929) -
Hello and and introduction to Virtue Signaling
by WobblyVern inhi all - perhaps a brief intro from me would be appropriate..... i hail from essex, england.
a 2nd generation witness never knowing any other life and from a large and mostly devout family.
i was disfellowshipped in 1993 aged 21 and the worldly girl i met, got pregnant and married (in that order) is mother to my 3 grown children and grandmother to our beautiful baby granddaughter.
Thank you for sharing. I'll take a look at the article. Love your story. The WT didn't beat me either. Is a great feeling isn't it.
Need your honest opinion
by poopie inthis is the scenario there's a guy who is df and being shunned big time.
we'll he needs a place to stay since he can't stay with his family you know the shunning thing well another jw in good standing says he can stay with him .the df guy is delighted but a little problem the elders are going to find out the df guy car parked at jw house.
no one in the area knows he's df because it's 90 miles from the cong he was df in so i told him he's takeing a risk but he says i'm going to show love to this person no matter what..
If it's you loving the person anyway, I agree with Sanchy. Welcome that person and show some actual decency.
The handling of child abuse allegations
by Landy inthere's a lot of criticism surrounding the jw's handling of chiild abuse within their ranks with a lot of it being well deserved.
but i'm interested to know how people on here think child abuse allegations should be handled.
there's a few scenarios below, the first couple are easy then it gets a bit more complex.
There's a lot of criticism surrounding the JW's handling of chiild abuse within their ranks with a lot of it being well deserved. But I'm interested to know how people on here think child abuse allegations should be handled.
You don't need to give specific scenarios for this. It's very simple. Report it to the authorities, support the victim and send the perpetrator to jail.
Elders are not professionally trained to handle this type of situations (and a whole lot of other things). They are NOT the right people to go to for this type of incidents. End of the story.
Let the professionals in the law and the welfare of children handle that AND DON'T COVER IT UP.
Goodbye friends
by Freeandclear ini'm not killing myself lol i just wanted to say a short goodbye.
i'm not leaving forever, i'm sure i'll pop in here and there but for the most part i haven't felt the need to check in here as often as i used to so i thought i'd say so long.
this journey we're all on (life) and trying to make sense of it all is a very personal one.
I'm confused.
You certainly are if you're expecting any of us to explain today's text to you or anyone for that matter.