As horrid as assuming gender is, it is beyond description to suggest that anything about gender identity is humorous. Gender identity is not a joke! Gender identity is a social construct. I weep for Trump's America.
There is not such thing as gender identity. If you are born with a penis you are a male and if your are born with a vagina you are a girl. This crap about I identify is nothing more than mental illness. Now the libtards are trying to facilitate mental illness. These people need mental help not someone idiot telling them what they think is correct.
What next someone identifies as a donkey they are a donkey? Libtards want to pander to every cockamamie retarded thing some mentally ill person comes up with. Nature is nature and if you think you are a female you are NOT a female. You can not have children, you have a male body and vise versa.
GI is not the same as Homosexuality. Being gay is a choice like I like icecream and I don't like Sherbet. It may be strange to some of us but its a choice. You can not choose to be black or white you are what you are. So its a mental disorder.
As far as weeping for Tumps America you are delusional on several levels. First off its not Trumps America. Its our America and we elected Trump. He is doing a fairly good job of rolling back socialism and stopping illegal immigration. If you want to weep cry your eyes out for England and Germany and France who are losing their culture to the Muslim invaders. Covering up the go no go areas. The libtards are destroying a once great Europe. Italy seems to be starting to push back a bit. But its people like you who destroy by your ignorance.
So liberals want us to modify biology of nature to fit their feelings. Since humans walked the earth a man was a man because he was born a man and woman a woman because he was a woman. Now they want us to deny nature. So if someone wants to identity as 21 and drink but they are biologically 16 can they suddenly be 21? No they can not. Transgenders thinik that if we all play pretend with them their problems will vanish. Nope not at all. Playing pretend with a mental patient does nothing but reinforce the delusion.