Blondie, I don't know you, and you assume I am talking about you. How could I we have never even met. In my experience a large group of cops has issues with control and in fact studies have been done that show cops have a large domestic abuse problem. Cops are a necessary evil. They tend to support each other when they are in the wrong creating a blue wall of silence. Do we need law enforcement? Sure. We also need a military but we need to keep them on a short leash. Like Hollywood the acting community has gays gravitate to that profession, so does law enforcement have a disproportionate group of people with aggressive personality's that should not have a badge or a gun. But such is life. As far as Trump goes, I follow Mayor Ed Koch, "if you agree with me 70 percent of the time, vote for me, if you agree with me 100% of the time seek mental help." I agree with Trump about 75 percent of the time. He is spot on with immigration. Mulsims are dangerous. Their radical religion does not assimilate and seeks violence to change what they do not like.
Mexico and South America is not sending us the best and brightest. The most poor, and criminal are coming across illegally. America is not the worlds battered immigrant shelter. We don't owe the world anything. We can not afford to keep taking in these poor and criminal and those who can not or will not contribute to the country.
I also agree with Trump that Socialism AKA Communism has failed with devastating results around the world. People do not try to breach our walls from Venezuela, Cuba and other communist countries because of how well socialism works. The Berlin wall was built to keep people in, our wall is to keep people out who seek to enter illegally.
I also agree that the so called Green New Deal and the so called fix to Global warming from the left is so radical and thought out its insane. When the theme song to AOC is the Gilligan's Island song, No phone no lights no motor car not a single luxury I am out. I am old enough to have like being a JWs lies the crazy end of the world wolf cries from them. The seas will be dead in 10 years, that was over 20 years ago, the earth is cooling that was in the 70s, We will reach peak oil in 1971, The world now has 12 years. Sorry but although I agree with the left on a universal health care system they are too crazy and dangerous on way too much to let have power.
Yes we do have some socialized programs but we are not a socialist country. We are a capitalist country with some socialist programs that capitalism supports.
So in the end I agree with Trump who has done what he ran on much more than Clinton, Obama and even Bush did. So he seems to be much more a man of his word. Is it abrasive, yep, does he seem to be missing a disconnect from brain to mouth, yep. But as long as he keep trying to protect our country and put actual Americans first unlike the left I will support him.