Not the paint or carpet or any of that BS. But we had a women Gwen Thatcher many years ago who would sit in the back second hall because the perfume and after shave she said would make her sick. She lobbied the elders to make it a no smell I.E perfume, aftershave or deodorant hall. They refused so she sat in the second hall. You may have called it something else, we called the library a second hall because when they split the Thursday talks up it was a second hall.
LV101 that is made up if someone says that Styrofoam bothers them. First off I have never seen that used inside. Its an exterior Styrofoam and then covered in a Fiberglas mess and a vinyl coating with foam balls swirled to look like its stucco. Also those who use it are cutting it and small particles are floating so I can see wearing a face mask. But once its on its like Asbestos It is harmless unless you break it up into dust. I had a rental that had the old Asbestos siding. Its fine unless you sand it, or tear it off. Its a lot of BS that the idiots on the left try to spread. LIke Gluten free BS. Only those with celiacs disease have to worry about gluten.