Sorry Cofty, you aint no Sherlock Holmes. I have only been on this site for a very short time. Not that it matters. But you can deflect all you want you nor any of the other libtards have even come close to an argument. Let me sum it up for you. Because some white guy owned some black 150 years ago that was sold in to slavery by some other black in Africa I being white owe money to blacks because some are poor today 150 years later? Or that because a factory puts out pollution that some black family lives next to its my fault for being white? Bull shit. If you don't see how stupid this is I can not draw it in simple enough for you to get it.
Maybe you are black or Hispanic and think you can cash in on some of dat free monies. Well don't hold your hand over your ass. Many blacks are on and have been on reparations they are called welfare. You must be one of those AOC communist nuts.