Forgot to say.....don't go to the elders but have a frank open discussion. Get married? not sure....are you a glutton for punishment?
JoinedPosts by sweetgrass
Need advice
by Drwho ini'm a middle aged man.
i dated a jw lady for 3 months ., we never had sex, just made out , half naked , well everything except underwear .
she has been a jw for 40 years ., was married to a jw but he committed adultery 13 years ago so they divorced .
Need advice
by Drwho ini'm a middle aged man.
i dated a jw lady for 3 months ., we never had sex, just made out , half naked , well everything except underwear .
she has been a jw for 40 years ., was married to a jw but he committed adultery 13 years ago so they divorced .
Well she must know after 40 years that you cannot serve two masters. Does she think she has a chance of surviving the big A with her hypocracy? She is kidding herself, she either totally quits the saucy encounters and discusses with the very interested elders every salacious detail and accept retribution or she can jump on you and ravish you to death and stop pretending to be a good JW. Its either or there is no middle ground. Be straight with her there is not much to lose if she goes back pleading for forgiveness. You will probably want more than a fuddle for the rest of your life?
Why do people need religion in this century?
by sweetgrass ini think people need religion because of fear.
fear of death and what will happen at death if they have been good or bad.
people say it gives them hope but is this not born too out of fear of not seeing dead loved ones again, or having a better life in the afterlife?
Well I find all points of view and theories interesting to read. I don't find posts that angrily dictate anything as fact from any kind of believing group or non believing or those in between interesting at all. Its like Eastenders or other soaps on tv, you turn it off because its plain old depressing and not good for anyones blood pressure!
Maybe a forum where rules about 'shouting' 'angry talk' 'ridicule' 'foul language' is in place should be set up. I may not agree with 'Believer' on everything and reading his point of view does not warrant abuse rants. Lol....I would be more than happy to ban, ban, ban and ban again any trouble makers at the first sign of incitement. Maybe a forum of twenty people is better than a big one filled with so many haters on all sides? I am away for 3 weeks so no responses from tomorrow does not mean I have quit.
Did others experience this on the ministry or among JWs generally?
by slimboyfat insometimes it's hard to know if our own experience of jws was typical and what features were peculiar to our own area or the individual jws we knew personally.
i was wondering if others experienced this among jws:.
a few times on the ministry, when we were working wealthy areas with large houses, some brothers and sisters would make the comment that they look forward to taking ownership of one of these big houses after armageddon, when the worldly people have vacated them.
I think because being in the Borg was so soul destroying the thought of a huge reward in the future kept you going from door to door.
Mind you we have just moved to Wales with a huge JW following and I cannot grasp how many are living in expensive houses. I would have thought they would be glad to sell them for the 'kingdom interests'. I found out the house we bought belonged to a JW family for 100 years. Not investigated the loft yet, who knows what we will find? Lol....the seller told us how they had found their dads brewing kit in the old shed, they did not know our JW status!
Why do people need religion in this century?
by sweetgrass ini think people need religion because of fear.
fear of death and what will happen at death if they have been good or bad.
people say it gives them hope but is this not born too out of fear of not seeing dead loved ones again, or having a better life in the afterlife?
"When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”
That makes a lot of sense to me.
Sometimes I feel like I Should Believe something...
by freemamaof3 inhas anyone else felt like they should believe something after leaving wt?
i am an agnostic atheist and its so so hard for me to believe in a god or higher power.
it just doesn't make sense.
I don't feel I need to believe in something as I used to but I like to be open to others viewpoints as the more informed I am the better choices I make.
My first boyfriend was Catholic, after attending church I felt 'not for me'. My dad, a Jew put me off Judaism. My mother a 'Born Again' was a no, no. JW I bought hook line and sinker but now would not touch it with a barge pole. I was a mentor for a Muslim man, it was very interesting but a big no, no.
Why do people need religion in this century?
by sweetgrass ini think people need religion because of fear.
fear of death and what will happen at death if they have been good or bad.
people say it gives them hope but is this not born too out of fear of not seeing dead loved ones again, or having a better life in the afterlife?
Slimboyfat......religion more popular than ever? I wonder why? It does not make sense but if the statistics are correct I am suprised.
Why do people need religion in this century?
by sweetgrass ini think people need religion because of fear.
fear of death and what will happen at death if they have been good or bad.
people say it gives them hope but is this not born too out of fear of not seeing dead loved ones again, or having a better life in the afterlife?
Good article Believer, I have never heared of the Nones. So as I don't prescribe to any religion but am open to the idea of creation by a powerfull force, would that class as being one of the nones? Although I can't accept the 'loving' bit of a powerfull creating force. The bible does not shout 'loving creator' for me in any way.
Why do people need religion in this century?
by sweetgrass ini think people need religion because of fear.
fear of death and what will happen at death if they have been good or bad.
people say it gives them hope but is this not born too out of fear of not seeing dead loved ones again, or having a better life in the afterlife?
Thanks for all your interesting and thought provoking posts. I thought the point about religion evolving is interesting too. I agree people should be able to make their own choices if it give them the 'opiate' feeling. :)
I am not sure which religion deserves any respect.... Buddhism?