when Daniel recorded the angel's words, for instance that one beast stood for the king of Greece or that another one stood for a certain king, Daniel wasn't making historicized interpretations that lead to nowhere. The angel certainly wasn't manifesting exegetical arbitrariness.
PW: I think that's the biggest problem: Daniel received this information from an angel, or, it was communicated to him "in the language of angels" (1 Cor. 13:1). Technically, it was Hebrew or Aramaic, but the main problem is the method of communication. The angelic language is, in my opinion, highly symbolic speech and without "translation" into "human language", the information remains almost incomprehensible.
My explanation is as I have already written to you: Daniel's texts do not contain any precise time points, any time milestones, just the beginning of the narrative and the information that it refers to the end. So if the angel explains, for example, in Dan 8:20-21 what the ram (Medes and Persians) and the goat (Greek) mean, he also states that the vision refers to the end of time (Dan 8:19).
So I am faced with the problem of how to connect the events of the time of Alexander of Macedon and the year 2023...
I see the solution to this problem in trying to put myself in the position of the angel and his understanding of time. If it is also true for him that a day is like 1000 years and 1000 years like a day, then I also assume that he can talk about the Persians or Alexander of Macedon and link the two together. No past or present in human understanding plays much of a role there. If a Persian was swinging a sword in antiquity, then a "Persian" at the end of time will be swinging, say, a laser sword. From the position of an angel, time, motive, and the fact that Satan owns the world is most likely a completely identical situation.
Abstract and timeless thought operations with symbols that must correspond to God's intention, which we have difficulty reconstructing, exclude, in my opinion, the possibility of learning the language of angels*. The book of Daniel will remain sealed without God's help.
*In my opinion, for example, John the Baptist (in modern terms one would say: he had a genius ability) interpreted the Scriptures in exactly this way. How else would he have thought of "washing" people with water? That the Law is a shadow of things to come... he got the symbolism of the Law exactly right.