I permitted my daughter to attend her end of high school dance etc .(2008)
7 months later we were both selected to partake in a drama and I also had a DC [RC] part on the same DC- some arse-hole complained that I had done this - re the dance [he actually wanted his daughter to have the part on this Drama ] and I received a phone call one night from the CO - 2 weeks before the DC telling me that both my daughter and I had been summarily removed from the drama and that my 15 min assignment on the DC would be handled by A.N. Other - My elder body knew that I had permitted her to attend the Prom and had not seen any issue in the matter ........???
My daughter subsequently removed herself from the Borg and interestingly another sister who was her counterpart in this Drama, DA-ed about 4 months later !
I still have a punch in the teeth lined up for the arse-hole in question - It will happen one day !!!