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JoinedPosts by ZAPPA-ESQUE
Two Jehovah's Witnesses on their way to a Kingdom Hall stop for a hitch hiker
by TerryWalstrom in
a hitch hiking robot, two jehovah's witnesses on their way to a kingdom hall.
.. where could it all end?.
WT uses new Technology ... the Governing Body in 3D
by RubaDub ini am not sure how the wt does it or what technology is used.
but when i look at the website and look at pictures in the recent publications from the lord's evening meal / last supper, it seems very strange.. i turn on my tv, put on 3-d glasses and the apostles now appear to be current and former members of the governing body.. i turn the tv off, restart it, and it appears to be the same members but now they have changed seats.. very interesting.. rub a dub.
YEBO in the Zulu language of South Africa means ..................YES
YEBO = OBEY in mirror
Do they prepare for preaching or do they socialize?
by never a jw inmy brother (a jw for 30 years) and i purchased a duplex.
he lives in one house, i live in the other, our common area separating both houses is the backyard.
we both can see each other's house across our common backyard.
The trick is to d e l a y the entire event as much as possible - usual human reaction when we face issues our minds are rebelling against ! [like going to the dentist]
Now how would you handle the gathering ?
It's not only in Chile, it's in Peru - Flag in Kingdom Hall in Peru
by ILoveTTATT2 inthis is the first photographic evidence i have seen that the kingdom halls in peru, like the ones in chile, put up their national flag for their independence day celebrations.
i had heard rumors about it before, but now we have evidence.
don't know if we'll have to wait till next year for more evidence, but now i have both peru and chile on my list of places to go and visit!.
Lest we forget Malawi !
"Who is Morris III?" Showed up in an FB thread--A surprising answer followed.
by oppostate inor maybe not so surprising after all, you be the judge....
Morning Woship: Kenneth Flodin targets "apostates"
by Sanchy invideo is entitled "beware of deceit" he uses the letter of jude to show that current day apostates are deceitful and that they use "trickery" to and "twist facts" to try to "grab our mind".
warning: your head might explode.
especially past the 5:30 mark.
How do we contact Flodin and shove the quotation up his Jackson 5 ?
"Who is Morris III?" Showed up in an FB thread--A surprising answer followed.
by oppostate inor maybe not so surprising after all, you be the judge....
I think TM 3 knew of this rumour about his connection to the bacca giant and dropped that remark in as a quip !
[remark about him coming from a wealthy family]
My son just got a serious job offer
by Captain Schmideo2 inand it looks like he will be accepting it.he will be teaching english as a second language in shenzhen, china.
it's with a company that works with the public school system out there.his salary includes an apt (most likely shared) that has utilities and internet included, and looking at cost of living (after the rent he isn't paying) it looks like he will be able to put money aside every month.not bad for a kid his age-travel to the other side of the globe, meet new people, get paid, and get experience.
i am going to miss him..
Great news + you get have the economic benefit of one less mouth to feed ! Remember he is writing the script of his life movie and you only get the role of an extra from here on in !
"Who is Morris III?" Showed up in an FB thread--A surprising answer followed.
by oppostate inor maybe not so surprising after all, you be the judge....
I read on this forum some time back that he was adopted and his real name was Tony Esposito ? Anyone heard similarly?
Rumor: Discouraging news from GB at upcoming CA?
by bohm inthis is on the reddit frontpage and sounds super weird.
can it be confirmed in any way by anyone here?.
The GB is really keeping the members on their toes these days !