1969 was a memorable year for me - I was growing Pubes and the girls became curvy and a bunch of older kids in the US had a huge Festival at Yasgars Farm !
JoinedPosts by ZAPPA-ESQUE
May 22 1969 Awake!
by zeb in"if you are a young person you need to face the fact you will never grow old in this system of things.. why not?
because all the evidence in fulfilment of bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years...as a young person you will never fulfil any career that this system offers".
may 22 awake!
"Child of Rage" Beth Thomas in a WT publication?
by neat blue dog inhere's her picture:.
is it me, or was her image used out of context in a wt publication?
i could've sworn it was, just can't place it..
Comparing it with which photo in a JW pub.?
Memorial Services
by penny2 inall jw memorial services i've been to have been similar.
a couple of sentences about the deceased and then it's all about the religion.
very impersonal and scripted.
Yes that's about it!
Keep eulogising and open remarks about deceased to a minimum and personify the outline to make it sound like this is specifically what the deceased believed.
Absolutely boring - Unfortunately I had to attend a Memorial Service for my beloved M-in-L 3 weeks ago and although the speaker was very big friends with Gran he hardly made any mention of her truly magnificent record of "fine works" and acts of love toward her fellowman.
Who writes Awake! ?
by Drwho injust a quick question.
who actually writes the awake!
and the watchtower publications ?
Not all AWake article are written by the GB - Many are contributed by designated assistants. Barbara Anderson wrote Awake articles if I am not mistaken/
Are JWs the most gossiping people on earth?
by Londo111 inwe all gossip.
it is only human.
watchtower actually tries to instruct adherents not to gossip and it can land a jw in front of a judicial committee—some do try to follow this admonition.
Londo ...............between You and Me .......and I heard this from a good source ..................who said that they are the worst !
Buddha Beats YHWH/JESUS in the missionary field
by fulltimestudent inwho needs real people (who don't actually do much except move their trolleys around) and their trolley carts, anymore.. the buddhists engage with the robot age.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7dnf1c1sj0.
Smiddy - At least this one speaks ! And it can be programmed to preach a new message on a daily basis! lol
Would be great if you can acquire one and position it near a Trolley Cart........ preaching...... JW Facts !!!!!
I "foresee" Caleb and Sophia going Robotic !
After 52 years a Watchtower slave 9/11 gave me the push I needed to get out.
by new boy ini turned in my letter of disassociation on september 18, 2001 but it was 9/11 that showed me what the witnesses really feel about human lives and the future wished for.. i was in limbo after my wife of 27 years left me on july 30, 2001. she knew i wasn't buying the jw program anymore.
she told me she come back to me when "i got my head straighten out about god and the church".. so for 40 days i was in limbo.
i stopped going to meetings.
Yep the contorted illogic ! Destroy billions and then resurrect - effectively in the "next instant" as death is like a sleep to start the shite all over again and then to be tested again only to be taken out in another Great Apostasy [according to the Revelation Climax [do you come here often/ Yes 4 times !] Book ]]
WT “Study” for 11th Sept 2016 – “Why Must We ‘Keep on the Watch’”?
by Nicholaus Kopernicus ini was really puzzled when i opened this edition of the wt magazine at the above “study”.
what on earth has this picture at the top of page 13 got to do with christian watchfulness?
i wasn’t making a connection at all.
The sanitised indoctrination and ....the cliques !
If anyone claimed that god speaks to them personally.....
by jambon1 inthey'd be viewed as completely mentally ill and laughed at.. so, how do the governing body get away with it?.
Japan's branch office. began to crumble?
by nakanozzi inebina assembly hall, where the japan’s branch office is located,need to be fixed all over inside, but they have no money.
After being touted for years as sterling examples of exemplary devoted publishers and in particular Pioneers there has been the Dramatic decline.
Has this been discussed here? Would love to see what has been speculated as to the reason for this !