I don't understand your "reasoning" at all !
By support of Russia ...what do you mean? What constitutes support of Russia?
I cant stand Putin but I love my Russian friends dearly! Is that support ?
Should I have written letters to Putin?
JW's condemn religions and governments and openly claim to be Gods ONLY channel on earth today. But when there arses are on the line they go running off to these Govts for support of their cause ! " Excuse me ......as you know you are going to get destroyed at Armageddon but in the interim could you just pull a few strings for us with Putin so we can save our asses and assets ? " ......
And who are you to go calling and accusing the people visiting here as Fascist?
What about the JW children in Russia ? Well what about the abused children within the JW Org that got and get Nada support from JW HQ !
Charity begins at home Granma would say !