Divorce rate in JW la la land is not doing too badly thank you ......wow - high drop out rate in my area
JoinedPosts by ZAPPA-ESQUE
The End is Coming. The Divorce Rate is Going Up. Except it Isn't....
by konceptual99 inso one of the things witnesses have been saying for years is how marriage is under attack, typically marrying the word "soaring" with the words "divorce" and "rate".. here are some metrics that suggest that for those who do get married in england and wales this assertion is not actually correct.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40524156.
sure there are less marriages than there used to be and more people cohabiting but it does throw some water on the argument that the sky is falling in as far as marriage is concerned..
Just heard that the WT sent money to help brothers in Russia
by Bonnie_Clyde inclyde and i had lunch with a friend who attended the assembly with his wife.
he told us that he was sure he heard that the wt had sent money to russia to help the brothers financially.
i told him that i heard the opposite....that they are directing witnesses to meet in private homes and set up a donation jar for the sole purpose of sending money to the wt, giving explicit instructions on how to transmit the funds.
Don't put your hand in the "cookie jar"
AS he Pervs the young girls playing Netball ~
Russian BOE letters of instruction - meetings and $$$ matter$
by OrphanCrow inthese letters can be found in the original russian on jwforum.eu.. i will provide links but also copy and paste the english translation that was provided for each one.. this first letter was dated may 21, 2017 and concerns instructions on how to handle the donation$.
(*bolding is mine).
we should not make the same boxes for all groups.
"Even in your darkest hour we hold out our Spirit Directed hand to you ...............................please place the funds directly into it " .....................Its Gods will that we squeeze your Bollocks at this time for funds ...its all about the Fund...bout the funds ...bout the funds !"
How can angels be sexually attracted to women?
by Island Man inthe nephilim account in genesis is utterly ridiculous when you consider that angels are sex-less beings and would therefore lack sex-drive and romantic attraction.
think of how difficult it is for humans with a sex drive to be sexually attracted to animals.
now take away that sex drive and it becomes literally impossible.
""""If it's possible for Satan to turn himself into a talking snake, then anything is possible."""""
Did Satan actually do this?? ?
Also as spirits, do they have any "form" at all ? Why would they need any form - legs arms bollocks....etc The more you contemplate it the more absurd it gets~
Sum of ewe are being Hirrible with Peepie about the spellin
Letter O is next to I on Querty KB !
A muslim could eat pork if the appropriate Muslim council ok-ed it !
Yes they can and so too sisters if the circumstances demand it .
My late Mom in Law conducted the Ministry School at one time in a rural community
Russian v Judicial Committee Justice
by usualusername1 ini have just been looking at jw news about the ban of jws.
they are complaining about how unfair the judicial process was.
Its now a month since attorneys letter was issued to the JC that wished to "liquidate" me. The letter informed them that the attorney would be present at the JC and required a list of details and evidence prior to the JC etc. I would recommend you do this if in the same boat. Letter also warned of further action if any gossip or slander occurred and if any sort of announcement was made that cast "my client " in a bad light.
Don't be bullied !
Outcome - Banned in Russia - Final
by OrphanCrow ini just watched the live feed from the russian court room and followed the updates on the russian exjw forum.. just waiting for confirmation from other sources...but, it looks like the final (and expected) result is:.
which means that the wts property in russia now belongs to the russian state..
Russia's Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that Jehovah's Witnesses was an "extremist" organization after the justice ministry applied for an order to shut down the group's national headquarters near St Petersburg, Russian news agencies reported.
Russian authorities have put several of the group's publications on a list of banned extremist literature, and prosecutors have long cast it as an organization that destroys families, fosters hatred and threatens lives, a description the organization says is false.
(Reporting by Vladimir Soldatkin; Editing by Andrew Osborn)
Can you believe the opening song at the memorial tonight?!
by Indian Larry indid anybody (who went to the memorial) notice the opening song?.
keep in mind that this is the most important night of the year for the witnesses.
it is supposed to be all about jesus christ.
That is so Apostate [by their own definition] and idolatrous ! Wow that's put a crappy taste in the mouth !