God Says: "it will be addressed in my time, not yours"
Ahem, if you havent noticed.You took too long ,My Time ran out and now I am dead.Thanks for nothing."
God Says: "it will be addressed in my time, not yours"
Ahem, if you havent noticed.You took too long ,My Time ran out and now I am dead.Thanks for nothing."
Yeah, Giordano He is still silent, no action or rebuttal whatsoever ! Throughtout time he has remained silent.It is mere over thinking humans who have attributed different acts to God, given him the credit.
sad but true.
my ex-girlfriend was raised mormon.
so i went to a couple of her church services.
Watch it you, If you dare call me fat ,I will eat you ....right after I finish this 12 pound cheese burger.
On a serious note.. Now we are blaming religion for people being fat are we ? I disagree.
anyone curious about our i.b.s.a.
Just Beware APieceOf.... that that warm fuzzy feeling is in fact not you bleeding out. (fresh blood is warm so I have heard)
I know you were joking, and so am I . Bit of humor in life keeps us healthy.
Listen God Coz of putting you first in my life always , I have been last in the queue in life always ! Well dude thanks so much for that !
God says "remember I do not need your help"
then why the hell have I been helping you spread your so called good news to the world to save their souls? Pray tell me!!! Meanwhile I have been suffering financially for doing so which has an bad impact on my whole future n family-to-be !
anyone curious about our i.b.s.a.
@ Apieceofsh...So let's all become I.B.S.A.!!!
Why would I swap Shackles for Shackles !
Be your own boss!
Notice To Public
SFJTD Box found too full !
Volunteers Wanted to deliver the promises.
GB need not apply (you have been found wanting Daniel 5:25).
Dear Jehovah,
Just dropping you a line to say I and my children are dead. I put my abusive husband in the SFJTD box about a year ago.....hopefully you'll get to it before the neighbours notice the smell.....
SFJTD stands for Something For Jesus To Do (for thos ewho don t know).