@ Toesup
You are very welcome.
here is a post i found.
boy the wife has balls of steel !
you decide.. {they stopped by yesterday to invite my wife to the memorial.. my wife is fully awake thanks to one of my daughters!
@ Toesup
You are very welcome.
here is a post i found.
boy the wife has balls of steel !
you decide.. {they stopped by yesterday to invite my wife to the memorial.. my wife is fully awake thanks to one of my daughters!
@ Scenic Viewer " I liked the point about how Jehovah could easily have foreseen Satan's rebellion and just eliminated him to spare billions from suffering later."
At that time God's all Knowing Third Eye was shut so he could not foresee Satan's rebellion.
here is a post i found.
boy the wife has balls of steel !
you decide.. {they stopped by yesterday to invite my wife to the memorial.. my wife is fully awake thanks to one of my daughters!
@ Redvip2000
I just think that the presence of the unbelieving husband may also have been a deterrant (depending on how much he supports his wife in everything). I have known some elders to clear off when they know a husband has a clear head and will speak for his wife to fend them off. If elders can see that the relationship of a couple (one in , one out) is still pretty strong then they clear off.But most times this is not the case, the spouse who is in is not happy with the other who is out. So elders have field day. Just what I have noticed.
sad but true.
my ex-girlfriend was raised mormon.
so i went to a couple of her church services.
@ Watchtower Wizard
Wow you paint a pretty grim picture which is new to me, coz when I was PIMI I have had a pretty different scene than the one you mentioned. We had elders (personal friends and also a piece of sh##; realized way too late{another story for another time} ) arranging tennis sessions, cycling , hiking, days out, parties, welcome parties, send off parties etc.So our little group had our bit of fun and activities at weekends. Perhaps more so coz we were all active people ; but I must admit it made us so tired for Sunday morning meetings. But could anyone miss it, hell no ! Or else you know remarks from elders . We used to find excuses to have fun and activities, New Co is visiting partyyyy ! Co's last visit with us ,partyyy ! Someone new joined our cong, Partyyy, If no excuse then just for the hell of it we would arrange one. We had a few young ones in our cong, so I and my friends used to invite families with young ones and take them to Fun Days, Parks,and Other events that were held locally so they could also have fun. But if not for that yeah life as a JW can be boring.
sad but true.
my ex-girlfriend was raised mormon.
so i went to a couple of her church services.
here is a post i found.
boy the wife has balls of steel !
you decide.. {they stopped by yesterday to invite my wife to the memorial.. my wife is fully awake thanks to one of my daughters!
@ Flipper, This is not my wife or anyon eknown to me, as my Post said at the start I found this on another website.Liked the post and so wanted to share with all here.
here is a post i found.
boy the wife has balls of steel !
you decide.. {they stopped by yesterday to invite my wife to the memorial.. my wife is fully awake thanks to one of my daughters!
Here is a post I found. Boy the wife has balls of steel ! You decide.
{They stopped by yesterday to invite my wife to the memorial.
My wife is fully awake thanks to one of my daughters! But her beef is not with the organization but with the bible. When she left she didn’t focus on the WT organization but instead she focused on the bible to prove to herself if it was inspired of God.
The verdict; the God of the bible is a capricious killer of his own people.
So we were sitting on our porch and two men get out of a car and start walking up to us. My wife tells me; it’s the Jehovah Witness elders. I already know my wife has a beef with Jehovah so I just sit back and enjoy the conversation;
A little background; elders already know not to reprove or instruct my wife in my home. I’m not a jw.
More or less how the conversation went.
Elders; ----Hi (wife’s name)--- long time no see.
Wife; yep!
Elders; we wanted to stop by and invite you and your husband to the memorial.
I said; I don’t go to stuff like that!
Wife; Why in the world would I go and pay my respects to someone who had no problem killing seventy thousand children, mothers, and fathers, just because one of his stupid kings took a census?
Elders; What?
Wife; You know, King David took a census and Jehovah gets so mad that he gives David three choices and he has to pick one. Either Jehovah gets to kill a bunch of his own worshipers and servants with famine, or with the sword, or a pestilence.
David asks for mercy but Jehovah says; “No way” PICK ONE!
David picks pestilence because he feels Jehovah is more merciful than a famine or the sword.
The results of picking Jehovah; -----Jehovah kills seventy thousand “Of His Own People who worship and adore him.”
The look on their faces------Priceless!!!
One elder tries to reason the way out of this by saying that the people Jehovah killed were probably bad to begin with or were about to turn bad and cause a lot of suffering to others. So he prevented unnecessary suffering!!
But it doesn’t work because my wife catches him on his illogical reasoning.
Wife; So Jehovah killed seventy thousand of his own people to prevent the suffering of many other innocent victims at some point in the future?
Elder; Yes, because Jehovah always does things out of love.
So tell me this, why didn’t Jehovah foresee that his angel (Satan) was going to cause billions of innocent people to suffer for thousands and thousands of years and stop all the suffering by just killing ONE ANGEL?
Tell me; what would you think of a ruler today who had the power to stop his people from going hungry, helping them when they got sick, enforcing laws against wicked people who hurt innocent ones, but refused to do so for years and years, actually lifetimes, because he wanted to prove that his ruler-ship was the best? And every once in a while the ruler would lose his temper and kill millions of his people-like 607 and 70 CE.
Elders, Silence!
Elders; Well it was nice to see you (wife’s name) we better get going, people are waiting for us. You guys have a nice evening. They scurried to their car and took off.
Hopefully they will think about some of the points my wife brought out. Not about the organization but about the violent god that they worship.}
I am very grateful for a CLEAN CONSCIENCE (which is a sign of bad memory but that is beside the point !)
sad but true.
my ex-girlfriend was raised mormon.
so i went to a couple of her church services.
What are you talking about?