One super easy step : Shut your eyes, mouth and brains forever!
If you dont ,they will make you do it anyway.
wow, that's a lot of steps.
(by wikihow).
One super easy step : Shut your eyes, mouth and brains forever!
If you dont ,they will make you do it anyway.
good grief.
had to stop at the end of the song (about 30 minutes in), with much forwarding.
so far it’s been a half hour about anxiety and worry and burdens - heavy, boring, depressingly blah (nothing new there), with the magic jah making everything better.
the magic Jah making everything better.
Reminded me of : “ The magician and the politician have much in common: they both have to draw our attention away from what they are really doing. Ben Okri. “
Jah has done the vanishing act perfectly!
GB n real estate business n publishing company!
can parents really teach kids from this book, things like this , worded in such a way?.
i must admit that i never read this book when it was released coz being single n who wants to read a book for kids.
so never noticed this .
Someone said "education frees your mind" But this kind of education screws-up yor mind!
i’m talking a political science class and the class was divided into groups.
the professor is encouraging all of us to think about running for president in the future.
it’s not far fetch anymore for anyone to consider running for president of the united states considering all the crazies that are running for the 2020 presidential office.
As long as everybody lifts their load and does not become a burden/freeloader; equal opportunities should be provided to all humans. We should live and help others but draw the line when they become a burden where we are having to carry them; Unless absolutely necessary ie aged, disabled etc even this has to be minutely scrutinized.
These few words in itself has lots of room to be sub-divied n sorted out. Bottom line everyone should be pulling their loads in life wherever they are.
can parents really teach kids from this book, things like this , worded in such a way?.
i must admit that i never read this book when it was released coz being single n who wants to read a book for kids.
so never noticed this .
Again, what part of the bible are they quoting?
this just takes the top spot for the most cringeworthy witness paragraph
can parents really teach kids from this book, things like this , worded in such a way?.
i must admit that i never read this book when it was released coz being single n who wants to read a book for kids.
so never noticed this .
Facts: I always say that if the Witnesses were actually READING the material, they wouldn't be Witnesses anymore.
can parents really teach kids from this book, things like this , worded in such a way?.
i must admit that i never read this book when it was released coz being single n who wants to read a book for kids.
so never noticed this .
I feel for you Shirley. It is something which I have never been comfortable with at the meetings when they study stuff which is for adults n not kids.
This is freaking disturbing and so uncomfortable to think this is out there for so many children to read/be read.
Cringing to think how many children grew up disturbed, sexually repressed....Sad.
Boy I need a lie down!
Excuse me while I go call my therapist.
when i asked my jw relatives about why they are the chosen one, she said one of the reasons can be found in mark 7:6-9. jw’s stand firm in rejecting all man made traditions including christmas, halloweenc and birthdays whereas no other religion does so.
what are your opinions about this?
Insight 1 states Mere formalistic observance of the outward forms of worship does not constitute a true honoring of the Almighty. There also needs to be a real love for Jehovah’s ways and a heartfelt desire to do his will. (page 1136)
Just evidence of my ramblings in the comment above .when i asked my jw relatives about why they are the chosen one, she said one of the reasons can be found in mark 7:6-9. jw’s stand firm in rejecting all man made traditions including christmas, halloweenc and birthdays whereas no other religion does so.
what are your opinions about this?
Mark7:6-9 This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far removed from me. 7 It is in vain that they keep worshipping me, for they teach commands of men as doctrines.’ 8 You let go of the commandment of God and cling to the tradition of men.” 9 Further, he said to them: “You skillfully disregard the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition.
I do not see any thing special here to claim they are chosen. Ok they do not celebrate elot.But what about disregarding the commandment of god ( john 13:35 true love; Gal 5:22,23 fruits of the spirit; Matthew 23:10 nto to be called leaders; ) The list can go on n on.
On the point of good leadership their own publication Watchtower 02 march 15th page 5 states "A good leader gives clear direction and helps people under his care to gain personal strength and resources so that they can solve problems successfully".
How can they claim to be the chosen one when they have been flip-flopping since they began??? Are they delivering what they wrote in the above watchtower reference?
"But I say to you that everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (Matthew 5:27, 28 . Have they been openly confessing their child abuse cover-ups ;and where the donations for god's worldwide is going (to pay for lawsuits)??
Just a tip of the iceberg mate.If you get satisfying answers with bible verses hats off to that!
My two cents
can parents really teach kids from this book, things like this , worded in such a way?.
i must admit that i never read this book when it was released coz being single n who wants to read a book for kids.
so never noticed this .
There must be some sexually repressed twats in the writing department that get a kick out of seeing this sort of thing in print