People have become so sensitive that any negative comment makes them have a nervous breakdown. I am concerned to think about where the world is headed!
seriously, it’s getting to a point that you can’t make a negative comment about someone without being charged as a racist, homophobe or sexist!
if you criticize a female, you are obviously sexist.
if you criticize someone who happens to be gay, you must hate homosexuals.
People have become so sensitive that any negative comment makes them have a nervous breakdown. I am concerned to think about where the world is headed!
seriously, it’s getting to a point that you can’t make a negative comment about someone without being charged as a racist, homophobe or sexist!
if you criticize a female, you are obviously sexist.
if you criticize someone who happens to be gay, you must hate homosexuals.
We are dealing with Generation X ie ones who are overly sensitive to take offence at anything (racial. color. queers. lgbtq.sexist the lot). Google it .
I believe criticism is good ( not unnecessarily though),it can be making one a better person depends how one wants to take it. I always take it with a pinch of salt n pepper! Goes down well.
All these things are just dividing, subdividing, and sub-subdeividing us from each other and harms society.
I believe we are one- humans.We come in all shapes, sizes, colors, likes , dislikes which is what makes us unique. Learnign to live with each other n tolerance is the key.
ran across this interesting read today penned by former us president jimmy carter.
he is "losing his religion" over it.
he makes reference to historical evidence that women played a much bigger role in early christianity.
No ! Never ! It goes against God and the Bible. Genesis says she will be just a complement never an equal. Throught out the bible you never read about women in high positions, always lower than men n submissive to men. All twelve disciples were men. Many of the stories we read center on males, including those of Moses, Abraham, Paul, David and Joshua. But what does the Bible say about women?
All this BS does not give women any rights equally.
Please do not share references that t was a woman who first saw the resurrected jesus etc.... It still doesn tmena much for equal rights.
after all he only had 3 and half years to perform his ministry so every day counted.
instead of witnessing to satan couldn't he have made better use of his time reaching as many people as possible?
just using some jdub reasoning on the matter..
Coz he was a Regular Pioneer. Thats is what they do --Piddle around.
buzz aldrin and neal armstrong landed on the moon and fulfilled jfk's ambitious goal.
i've watched some of the programming about the event.
i think the best was on pbs's "the american experience.
Shit! I was not even born then. Its nice to read comments from all who saw it one way or another.
There is so much I have missed. Why could I have not missed getting caught in this cult!!!!
Thanks all for sharing .
1.just been listening to this lady's innovtive tool as music instrument.
incredible story too..
2.listening to this gives me so much peace and relaxes me .
1.just been listening to this lady's innovtive tool as music instrument.
incredible story too..
2.listening to this gives me so much peace and relaxes me .
1.just been listening to this lady's innovtive tool as music instrument.
incredible story too..
2.listening to this gives me so much peace and relaxes me .
this is a letter received by someone working in an office.
not jdub related at all.
just drawing your attention to the last two lines in the letter " you are entitled if you wish, to be accompanied by another work colleague or a trade union representative ".
This is a letter received by someone working in an office. NOT JDUB RELATED AT ALL
Just drawing your attention to the last two lines in the letter " you are entitled if you wish, to be accompanied by another work colleague or a trade union representative "
Even the so called "worldly/wicked ones" know how to show courtesy to people when having any disciplinary meeting. But what about the so called "God-oriented/ H spirt directed organisation" when having a judicial mtg or any disciplinary meeting? SQUAT ! ZILCH!
Most of the time they do not even let you defend yourself; explain yourself; they do not even listen to what you have got to say; they do not have the courage to answer your questions !!!
That is such an awful cruel practice n a tyranny!
1.just been listening to this lady's innovtive tool as music instrument.
incredible story too..
2.listening to this gives me so much peace and relaxes me .