You bet Blondie, the letter will certainly have something loud to say about jdumbs.
My little activism acts.
so i have a question about a not so spoken subject.
so if you feel inappropriate please feel free to ignore me!
has anyone given a thought about what they would like for their funeral one day?.
You bet Blondie, the letter will certainly have something loud to say about jdumbs.
My little activism acts.
so i have a question about a not so spoken subject.
so if you feel inappropriate please feel free to ignore me!
has anyone given a thought about what they would like for their funeral one day?.
Me although young have got funeral sorted out.My body goes to research, and any organs to be donated, everything gets recycled
All my estate n money goes to animal shelters. Done n dusted. I have a very special letter to be sent to a newspaper to be published the day after.
If I ever changed all this to be just a cremation then I will probably have corn fo my last meal.Then when cremating , will go out with a bang, Ha, ha.
just wanted to share this with you all, it works to get rid of them.. for the past few weeks i have been observing some jdumbs setting up stall in a busy centre.
so i started to note which days they come, how long for etc.
then me n a close friend made two placards/flaggy things(dont know what it is in english) with two different websites on them n two different slogans .
Just wanted to share this with you all, it works to get rid of them.
For the past few weeks I have been observing some jdumbs setting up stall in a busy centre. So I started to note which days they come, how long for etc. Then me n a close friend made two placards/flaggy things(dont know what it is in english) with two different websites on them n two different slogans . We would stand a little off-side them every time they have been there holding our placards. The idea was to let passers by think we are all together/therby people actually getting to know TTATT after they visit those websites ie (ceasers channel, n misspelt purposely. coz of work n stuff sometimes it has only been one of us but we did it anyway.
after two weeks or so of doing this, they have stopped coming altogether to this place. So we have stopped too but keeping an eye out for them soemwhere else. Seems like they have caught -on. None of them know me .
Just my way of activism in a small way.
new court case in australia.
there may be a pay wall on this... hopefully it can be viewed.. .
New court case in Australia
Man sues religious organisation for $2.4m over abuse.
Man sues religious organisation for $2.4m over abuse. A FORMER Toowoomba man has taken the Australian organisation that supports Jehovah's Witnesses congregations to court, alleging the charity "turned a blind eye" to sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of his father.
The man, now in his late 30s, is suing the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Australia in the Toowoomba Supreme Court for damages worth more than $2.4 million.
The plaintiff, whose family were members of the North Toowoomba Jehovah Witness Congregation in the late '80s and '90s, alleges his father subjected him to repeated and systematic sexual abuse during his childhood years.
According to the statement of claim, the man said he was forced to masturbate his father in the shower four times a week from the age of nine until he was 16.
The statement also pointed out a congregation member who knew the family and even cared for the children was made aware of the abuse.
"On a number of occasions, the plaintiff during the time which the plaintiff and his sister were being cared for by (a congregation member), the plaintiff disclosed to (the congregation member) the abuse that he was suffering at the hands of his father," the claim said.
Shine Lawyers' Lisa Flynn, who is representing the man in the matter, alleged the abuse was known to the congregation but was never reported to police.
"The church had a responsibility to protect this young innocent boy but they chose to turn a blind eye, allowing our client to continually suffer at the hands of his own father," she told The Chronicle.
"What our client was made to do to his father at bath time on a regular basis could have and should have been stopped.
"As a terrified young boy, he reported the abuse to an elder of the congregation who didn't intervene.
"This disgusting bath time ritual was allowed to continue for many years."
Ms Flynn said the ongoing abuse left her client with severe psychological scars and hypo-arousal disorder, leading to drug and alcohol abuse, social isolation, impaired relationships and struggles with employment.
Church abuse compensation revealed
"Not a day has gone by that our client hasn't suffered because of the abuse he was subjected to while growing up in the family home," she said.
"At 39 years of age our client's mental health has been significantly impacted.
"Twice now we have asked the church to pay for some treatment for our client but they have not responded.
"The Jehovah Witness church needs to be held accountable and our client finally allowed to move forward with his life."
In its defence submitted this month, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Australia refuted or did not admit to a majority of the claims alleged by the plaintiff.
One of the denials centred around the organisation's culpability, arguing while it oversaw and provided guidance to congregations, it "is not and never was responsible for 'co-ordinating' all of the activities in those congregations".
"Each congregation is an unincorporated association made up of individuals who voluntarily choose to follow the Christian religious beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses as set out in the Bible," the submission read.
"The defendant did not 'establish' the North Toowoomba Congregation of Jehovah's Witness, since the defendant was not incorporated until July 29 1985."
The organisation also said the elder who was alleged to have been told about the abuse by the plaintiff denied he was aware of it.
"(The elder) says that if the plaintiff had disclosed such matters or if he was aware of any suggestion the plaintiff had been abused by his father, he would have take immediate and positive action," the submission said.
The defendant also questioned the damages amount, and called the plaintiff "an unreliable historian in respect of events which occurred during this period of time".
A sealed offer to settle was also presented to the court, which was the mandatory final offer that both parties exchanged to each other at the end of mediation.
seriously, it’s getting to a point that you can’t make a negative comment about someone without being charged as a racist, homophobe or sexist!
if you criticize a female, you are obviously sexist.
if you criticize someone who happens to be gay, you must hate homosexuals.
People have become so sensitive that any negative comment makes them have a nervous breakdown. I am concerned to think about where the world is headed!
seriously, it’s getting to a point that you can’t make a negative comment about someone without being charged as a racist, homophobe or sexist!
if you criticize a female, you are obviously sexist.
if you criticize someone who happens to be gay, you must hate homosexuals.
We are dealing with Generation X ie ones who are overly sensitive to take offence at anything (racial. color. queers. lgbtq.sexist the lot). Google it .
I believe criticism is good ( not unnecessarily though),it can be making one a better person depends how one wants to take it. I always take it with a pinch of salt n pepper! Goes down well.
All these things are just dividing, subdividing, and sub-subdeividing us from each other and harms society.
I believe we are one- humans.We come in all shapes, sizes, colors, likes , dislikes which is what makes us unique. Learnign to live with each other n tolerance is the key.
ran across this interesting read today penned by former us president jimmy carter.
he is "losing his religion" over it.
he makes reference to historical evidence that women played a much bigger role in early christianity.
No ! Never ! It goes against God and the Bible. Genesis says she will be just a complement never an equal. Throught out the bible you never read about women in high positions, always lower than men n submissive to men. All twelve disciples were men. Many of the stories we read center on males, including those of Moses, Abraham, Paul, David and Joshua. But what does the Bible say about women?
All this BS does not give women any rights equally.
Please do not share references that t was a woman who first saw the resurrected jesus etc.... It still doesn tmena much for equal rights.
after all he only had 3 and half years to perform his ministry so every day counted.
instead of witnessing to satan couldn't he have made better use of his time reaching as many people as possible?
just using some jdub reasoning on the matter..
Coz he was a Regular Pioneer. Thats is what they do --Piddle around.
buzz aldrin and neal armstrong landed on the moon and fulfilled jfk's ambitious goal.
i've watched some of the programming about the event.
i think the best was on pbs's "the american experience.
Shit! I was not even born then. Its nice to read comments from all who saw it one way or another.
There is so much I have missed. Why could I have not missed getting caught in this cult!!!!
Thanks all for sharing .
1.just been listening to this lady's innovtive tool as music instrument.
incredible story too..
2.listening to this gives me so much peace and relaxes me .