1.Honest 10 why? Because- I once was looking for a nice gift for a friedn. Apart from that I had to get some other things too. So I went to this one stop for all shop and picked up a load of itmes. Along with them was a organiser type bag which I put on the counter (mind you I did not have any personal stuff with me in my hand and possibly this is where the mistake happened by the staf) . The man behind the counter scanned all items but not the organiser bag( which was the most expensive item as that was the gift for my friend). I did not realisse that he had not scanned it and walked ou t the shop. While walkin ghome I thought something did not add up. So thought I will see to it later. When I arrived home n was sorting things out , i checked the receipt and saw no mention of the organiser bag on it. So walked back with it and explained to him that he had not not charged me for it. He was so so happy that I went back to pay for the item, . He was surpirsed at my honesty n we bacame good friends. Whenever I am at his hop he introduces me to people in there n never forgets to praise me n state the incident to people there.
I am proud to say that I have never ever taken anything dishonestly at all. Mnay such instances, opportunities I came face to face with n could have gotten away with it but that is not how I have been brought up.
Therefore 10/10
Not braggign just saying.