Found this on reddit, made me laugh.
Found this on reddit, made me laugh.
this is important information that everyone should know.
it's pretty funny and not 100% inaccurate.. remember "never put your dick in crazy!"..
let the triggering commence ....
Hear, hear from Scholarly Simon.
i was doing research on another topic and this question came to mind.
notice how the wts dances around the question below and then my comments about that and whether historically did the wts see isaiah as applying to all jws or only anointed members, spiritual israel (galatians 6:16)?.
are christians to be witnesses of jesus or jehovah?.
@Stillin ... I hear voices in my head all the time ,does that count?
dont you think that satan was a pomo ?
when you read in the genesis account : "at this the serpent said to the woman: 'you certainly will not die.
5 for god knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like god, knowing good and bad.'".
Thank you Phizzy, will definitely look into it.
hello everyone i just wanted to give a quick life update as it is three years since being out of the cult.
i’ll never forget missing our first memorial back in 2017 as it etched in our minds that we were never going back to watchtower.
these last years have been amazing especially since izabella has been home with us.
All they want to do is get shut of all the invites in their bag,so they can count loads of placements.
i picked the list below somewhere, and i would like to hear your opinions on it.
what would you keep or change?
18 definite ways women turn men off.
It depends on the person you are dealing with irrespective of gender!
i picked the list below somewhere, and i would like to hear your opinions on it.
what would you keep or change?
18 definite ways women turn men off.
Just one definite way men turn women off
Saying stuff like this!
i'm so curios about when jehovah's witnesses started to use/mention "proverbs 4:18" for changing their doctrines or briefs.. did they start it from early 1800's by russell ?
or next generation of jw's --- j.f.
This is what I found from 1952/2/1 watchtower p81,para14
Some of the speculating ones are more rebellious than others, disagreeing dogmatically with the discreet slave’s provisions, exalting themselves above the Lord’s established channel. They argue that the theocratic organization has not always been right, and that they once had ideas the organization rejected but now teaches, and thus imply that their present theories will likewise be accepted in time. They never mention the numerous speculations they have advanced in the past that were never adopted. That would spoil their campaign to get their present ideas gobbled up. What their conceit blinds them to is that the visible theocratic organization has never claimed infallibility, that it knows the message will be continually purified by the elimination of erroneous ideas, that it expects new truths to become manifest as more prophecies are fulfilled, that gradually the light will shine more and more until the perfect day, and that the clarifications will come through the discreet slave and not self-exalting speculators. (Prov. 4:18; Isa. 6:5-7; Mal. 3:1-3) It is a continuous process, for the slave is “to keep giving them their measure of food supplies at the proper time”. (Luke 12:42, NW) Doubtless some do have ideas that are not published until later; to do so earlier may have been premature, may not have been “at the proper time”. Wait upon the Lord.
If you need more let me know
i was doing research on another topic and this question came to mind.
notice how the wts dances around the question below and then my comments about that and whether historically did the wts see isaiah as applying to all jws or only anointed members, spiritual israel (galatians 6:16)?.
are christians to be witnesses of jesus or jehovah?.
I say whats there in a name! (jehovahs witness)
So obviously they cant make their mind up, they dont give two hoots who they are witnesses to...All they want is their "cup is full,their table full of well-oiled dishes" (some verse in psalms says this) and last but not the least top-shelf scotch.
dont you think that satan was a pomo ?
when you read in the genesis account : "at this the serpent said to the woman: 'you certainly will not die.
5 for god knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like god, knowing good and bad.'".
I also believe that any interpretation of things basically leans on one's mindset. I say this coz of my own mindset before and after in the organization. The mind is a mindblowing mystery in itself!