Wow I did not know this existed! Thanks for sharing . What other gems do you have up your sleeve Atlantis!
request from a member of the board.. worldwide department of real estate.
Wow I did not know this existed! Thanks for sharing . What other gems do you have up your sleeve Atlantis!
the shepherd book page111 under the subheading .
elders are teachers and judges.
he has raised up elders to serve as counselors and judges.. (isa.
the shepherd book page111 under the subheading
Elders Are Teachers and Judges
He has raised up elders to serve as counselors and judges.
(Isa. 1:26)
My issue when I researched this verse just to find out how one concludes that the ELDUMBS are as judges, I found a Watchtower article 92 7/1 page 15 para 4 says
{The Scriptures indicate that the relatively small number of anointed Christians, beginning with the 12 apostles, will be associate judges with Christ Jesus during the Millennium. (Luke 22:28-30; 1 Corinthians 6:2; Revelation 20:4) A remnant of anointed members of spiritual Israel on earth were themselves judged and restored in 1918-19. (Malachi 3:2-4) Concerning this restoration of spiritual Israel, it was prophesied: “I will bring back again judges for you as at the first, and counselors for you as at the start.” (Isaiah 1:26) Thus, just as he had done “at the start” of fleshly Israel, Jehovah has given the restored remnant righteous judges and counselors.
5 To begin with, the ‘wise men’ who were “put in as judges” were all anointed older men, or elders. Since 1935 the anointed have received the loyal support of an ever-increasing “great crowd,” whose hope is to survive “the great tribulation” and live forever on a paradise earth. (Revelation 7:9, 10, 14-17) As “the marriage of the Lamb” approaches, more and more of these are being appointed by the anointed Governing Body to serve as elders and judges in the upwards of 66,000 congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses throughout the earth. (Revelation 19:7-9) By means of special schools, they are being trained to handle responsibility in the “new earth” society. (2 Peter 3:13) The Kingdom Ministry School, conducted at the end of 1991 in many countries, placed emphasis on the proper handling of judicial cases. Elders who serve as judges are duty bound to imitate Jehovah and Christ Jesus, whose judgments are true and righteous.—John 5:30; 8:16; Revelation 19:1, 2. }
My confusion is how do they justify that this handing out "judging people " as scripturally correct and approved by Jehovah n Jesus?
It is like saying that because a judge of the highest rank in the highest of courts is no longer able to be present in court case(coz of aging,illness), the judge appoints his son/ son-in-law/ wife/ daughter or one of his neighbors to judge on behalf of him !!
am I reading this wrong ! the above watchtower reference says this. From what I read it says judging during the millenium when they are sitting on thrones not now onwards to ..... . What do you think?
i’m not interested in becoming a jehovah’s witness but have nothing against people who are, or whatever religion someone chooses to follow for that matter.
i am here because i have some questions regarding my family and i. .
my fiancé stopped going to church prior to us meeting.
My Advise:::
Especially so when one party is in a cult!
i was recently watching a video on youtube and on the john cedars channel, he was talking about how the watchtower has discontinued quite a few of their books from back when i was still active.
so it got me to thinking about how do they decide that certain teaching doesn't fit them anymore.
so i was wondering does anyone have any ideas on how they come to that decision because if any of their members bring up something, that person can be disfellowshipped?.
9 What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.
i was recently watching a video on youtube and on the john cedars channel, he was talking about how the watchtower has discontinued quite a few of their books from back when i was still active.
so it got me to thinking about how do they decide that certain teaching doesn't fit them anymore.
so i was wondering does anyone have any ideas on how they come to that decision because if any of their members bring up something, that person can be disfellowshipped?.
The greatest Man book has been replaced by Jesus I am The Way,Truth n Life book.I checked many chapters , they were all the same. So I cant see the point of having scrapped the old for the newer book. The Greatest Man book was compiled from older magazine articles which were a regular feature. All they do is regurgitate and sheeple think its new food.
I call it Wash , Rinse, Repeat !
Most importantly they scrap, revise and all just to keep the buzz going with the PIMI's. If they do not hand out new books (so called) to read then how can they keep members hooked and to continue donating funds !!
other day i was in the bank, in the queue and feeling like crap.
i am coming up for a hip replacement and in pain.
think touch your nose is 1 a burn is 10 this is around 7. i have had sod all sleep and no doubt looked like it.. waiting i acknowledged the lady behind me as we do and she asked the usual "how is it going.?
Even when I was PIMI , I have had dealings with "worldly people" and they are really nice, friendly,caring,people; genuine at that! Being with them I was happy but not so with the culty sheeeple.
Anyway, hope you are feelin gbetter today Zeb. Take care and have a great weekend .
eight years ago the jws were making return visits with my spanish speaking neighbor (she speaks very little english).
they were calling on her during a period in her life that things were not so good.
i already know that jws love to take opportunities like this to try to suck someone into their cult.
All website in spanish.
it seemed as if every year a talk would be given in the congregation or at a convention about “secret sins”.
very predictably, witnesses would have pangs of conscience and confess their secret sin.. back in the 70s, one sister with an unbelieving mate went to the elders to confess about husband and her engaging in oral sex.
she was privately reproved for her “sin” and every so often would approach the elders to say she slipped up again.. i know i’d never tell anybody about my sex life just because of misguided guilt.
Thank you.There is quite a few references which will make this too long a comment so refrained from it. Good topic though.
it seemed as if every year a talk would be given in the congregation or at a convention about “secret sins”.
very predictably, witnesses would have pangs of conscience and confess their secret sin.. back in the 70s, one sister with an unbelieving mate went to the elders to confess about husband and her engaging in oral sex.
she was privately reproved for her “sin” and every so often would approach the elders to say she slipped up again.. i know i’d never tell anybody about my sex life just because of misguided guilt.
Also where in the bible does it mention that one needs to go and confess ones secret sins to the eldumbs? please enlighten me.
Another culty tactic for a power trip.
it seemed as if every year a talk would be given in the congregation or at a convention about “secret sins”.
very predictably, witnesses would have pangs of conscience and confess their secret sin.. back in the 70s, one sister with an unbelieving mate went to the elders to confess about husband and her engaging in oral sex.
she was privately reproved for her “sin” and every so often would approach the elders to say she slipped up again.. i know i’d never tell anybody about my sex life just because of misguided guilt.
w02 4/1 page 19/20 para 18
What if a serious concealed sin is bothering your conscience and weakening your resolve to live up to your dedication to God? If you are repentant, you can take comfort in the knowledge that Jehovah ‘will not despise a heart broken and crushed.’ (Psalm 51:17) Seek the help of loving Christian elders, knowing that they—in imitation of Jehovah—will not treat lightly your desire to experience the restoration of a good relationship with your heavenly Father. (Psalm 103:10-14; James 5:13-15) Then with a renewal of spiritual strength and a steadfast heart, you will be able to make straight paths for your feet and find it possible to live up to your dedication to God
Let me know please if after confessing your secret sins anyone has felt rejuvenated, renewal of spiritual strength at all.