1Child Abuse Cover-ups
3Too intrusive n Judgy at the drop of a hat.
witnesses brag about their brotherhood and incredible love that exists within the organization.
they say they are really the only true religion.
is the jw religion the closest thing to jesus christ himself?.
1Child Abuse Cover-ups
3Too intrusive n Judgy at the drop of a hat.
can parents really teach kids from this book, things like this , worded in such a way?.
i must admit that i never read this book when it was released coz being single n who wants to read a book for kids.
so never noticed this .
Feel sorry for your sister Sparky. When publications teach us from a young age about demons and the damage, control they have; then it must have a bad effect on us all. It is hard to uproot such things !
Thank you for sharing.
my mother became a witness when i was five and i believed that every witness followed what was said at the meetings and the instructions given.
my naive belief carried on until maybe i was 10?
at the old conventions, volunteers would come early and pack fruit into net bags so that it could be sold at lunch.
I saw that elders could "get away with murder " no consequences; elders wives could stir up trouble n gossip with no consequences at all; elders children could get away scot-free from anykind of sin(stealing, lying, driking, celebrating worldly festivals, flirting, worldy association) with no consequences at all ! Except for the publishers, they had to face punishment, consequences, disciplining, counseling at every step of the way despite their not breaking gods law.The publisher misses one meeting, he is asked into the backroom/second room.
I have way too may such experiences to share. I wont go into details mate coz its a sore spot, would rather leave alone.
can parents really teach kids from this book, things like this , worded in such a way?.
i must admit that i never read this book when it was released coz being single n who wants to read a book for kids.
so never noticed this .
Chapter 10 page 60
This just makes me mad. It will definitely screw up a childs mind !
I feel sorry for the GB's wives.Seriously, the kind of brains attached to their husbands!
can parents really teach kids from this book, things like this , worded in such a way?.
i must admit that i never read this book when it was released coz being single n who wants to read a book for kids.
so never noticed this .
Can parents really teach kids from this book, things like this , worded in such a way?
I know I would not !
I must admit that I never read this book when it was released coz being single n who wants to read a book for kids. So never noticed this . was brought to my attention by a friend.
What do you think?
Hi Smiddy3
Today is thunday so bottoms up !
is god responsible for every good thing that happens in your life?
i ask this because a brother gave a talk several weeks ago and said that.
he said when anything positive happens, we must not assume it was by mere coincidence, but we have to have 100% confidence that jehovah cares for us and was involved.. however, people complain that jehovah doesn’t answer their prayers and are told you have to keep asking, you need to show him you really want it bad.
" they said to be that specific in your prayer ".
I specifically asked to
Well he gave me strength, but not the money, so I stopped praying! (I realised later my english was not very good then)
i just came across a pair of jw's on ebay who are flogging off nearly 2000 "religious" items.. is it just me, or are jw's hypocrites when they make cash by selling old light publications which now contain "wrong teachings," or much worse, by selling books etc.
which were created by members of apostate christendom and contain teachings which contradict their self-appointed "faithful slave?
is there a bible example/principle here?.
Great find, thanks for the PM. IMO their NWT is missing Matthew 21:12 "Jesus entered the Temple and began to drive out all the people buying and selling animals for sacrifice. He knocked over the tables of the money changers and the chairs of those selling doves. "
Perhaps they are PIMO and trying to get some money behind them for their oldage as they know TTATT!
i just came across a pair of jw's on ebay who are flogging off nearly 2000 "religious" items.. is it just me, or are jw's hypocrites when they make cash by selling old light publications which now contain "wrong teachings," or much worse, by selling books etc.
which were created by members of apostate christendom and contain teachings which contradict their self-appointed "faithful slave?
is there a bible example/principle here?.
How do you know they are Jdubs? I had seen some time ago someone selling a lot of Jdub publications and other books on witchcraft, occult, religious charms.The seller was clearing out all of his grand mas attic since she passed away and was not a jdub at all but did study with them for a while n took books to read off them.
Just having Jdub publications in no way makes anyone a Jdub.
Just sayin.