I call this nitpicking, dont you?
we already know how jws will respond ( on a pole).
but i found an article that talks about jws views on how jesus died.
i didn't know that there was a time when jws accepted the cross unlike now.
I call this nitpicking, dont you?
this is what jesus said.
matt 24-14.
14 and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.. looking at this verse what is the central theme?
Jesus Says: Enough about me , go live your life in peace!
this is what jesus said.
matt 24-14.
14 and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.. looking at this verse what is the central theme?
@ALEX You certainly are counting your time here by way of discussion !!
What biblical message should Jesus prech today?
" This news of the LAWSUITS will be exposed in all the nations and then THEIR END will come"
we already know how jws will respond ( on a pole).
but i found an article that talks about jws views on how jesus died.
i didn't know that there was a time when jws accepted the cross unlike now.
I thought that HE DIED WAS THE IMPORTANT THING not on what???
I dont care anyhow.
let's face it, thousands of people in one place together can be mesmerizing.
watching some of the videos for the witnesses conventions this last week, from all over the world you get the sense of what total brain washing can do.
happy people waving banners saying "see you in paradise.
In a crowd of thousands and yet feel so lonely n empty/odd one out/ugly duckling.
this doctrine / belief that jehovah`s witnesses have , surely raises a few questions that they do not address.. 1.this spirit being challenged god by questioning his authority and offering eve an alternative making himself satan.. and this took place on earth ,the garden of eden.
so he who became satan had access to the earth.. 2. all throughout the old testament , the hebrew scriptures do we find examples of satan interfering with gods plan of things either by himself or his followers .. 3.their are just too many examples to list individually ,however a few key ones would be , the nephilim , job when god in heaven asks him where he has been , and his reply , from roving about on the earth .
, etc.etc.. 4.and of course in the new testament , where jesus is taken up into a mountain to be tempted by satan for fourty days ?.
Not that I believe in God, Bible, Religion and Satan; Just for the sheer hell of it my answer is Satan is POMO , kept going in n out of heaven so as to awake others.Then God put his finger on the pulse n shunned him/dfsd him so he cant mix with anybody. Sound familiar??? Same pattern followed today in the borg, don't you think.
Proof or no proof they teach Satan as someone who exists, tempts us , is god's enemy,tries to lure us away from god.My problem here is when god says he helps us fight the evil, right; Then why the hell does he not help us to steer clear away from satans traps n baits.Satan is far-far more powerful than us mere humans. So all humans are on the losing end even before humans have started. So There is no way we can defy him, defeat him. If this BS is all true then when I fall into sin , it is god who has been unsuccessful in helping me out by usin ghis power to control satan, cut the trap for a 'weak me'. God has been defeated by his enemy Satan. I have not sinned so God should be made accountable.
This is what I can see but it is all BS anyway to mind control you one way or the other.From what I have read fear is a control tactic use by all-- be it god, govt, family,community etc.
Sorry have rambled on too long.