Lots of new and fascinating understandings of the Scriptures.
Where have I heard this before??? Hmmmm....Come to think of it..Washtowel!!!
Staying away from this one!!
Lots of new and fascinating understandings of the Scriptures.
Where have I heard this before??? Hmmmm....Come to think of it..Washtowel!!!
Staying away from this one!!
So far I do not see any good reason to read your book. Another perhaps cock and bull compilation of things put together into a book from the viewpoint of the author. I do not beleve in the bible so why would I want to read your book?? Nothing personal mate but I shall pass.
jehovah’s witnesses imprisoned for their faith—by location.
locations where jehovah’s witnesses are put in prison, sometimes under harsh conditions, for practicing their faith and exercising basic human rights.. .
others are imprisoned for their conscientious objection to military service.. watchtower society: please don't lecture anyone on the denial of basic human rights when you take away the rights of disfellowshipped family members associating with their family and friends!.
Did you not know that you give up all your basic human rights to the WTS when you join this Cult !!!
You cant complain .You signed their contract!
just was thinking how some powerful quotes, remarks, sayings hit the mark with me and how much it enriched/ enhamced/influences my life.
love beyond color.
reality is that which when you no longer believe in it , does not go away.. “the truth is a battle of perceptions.
Just was thinking how some powerful quotes, remarks, sayings hit the mark with me and how much it enriched/ enhamced/influences my life. Here is some:
Reality is that which when you no longer believe in it , does not go away.
“The truth is a battle of perceptions. People only see what they are prepared
to confront”
Share some of your favorite quotes/sayings .
with 10 being the highest, how..... 1.honest are you.
2.humble are you.
4. happy are you.
1.Honest 10 why? Because- I once was looking for a nice gift for a friedn. Apart from that I had to get some other things too. So I went to this one stop for all shop and picked up a load of itmes. Along with them was a organiser type bag which I put on the counter (mind you I did not have any personal stuff with me in my hand and possibly this is where the mistake happened by the staf) . The man behind the counter scanned all items but not the organiser bag( which was the most expensive item as that was the gift for my friend). I did not realisse that he had not scanned it and walked ou t the shop. While walkin ghome I thought something did not add up. So thought I will see to it later. When I arrived home n was sorting things out , i checked the receipt and saw no mention of the organiser bag on it. So walked back with it and explained to him that he had not not charged me for it. He was so so happy that I went back to pay for the item, . He was surpirsed at my honesty n we bacame good friends. Whenever I am at his hop he introduces me to people in there n never forgets to praise me n state the incident to people there.
I am proud to say that I have never ever taken anything dishonestly at all. Mnay such instances, opportunities I came face to face with n could have gotten away with it but that is not how I have been brought up.
Therefore 10/10
Not braggign just saying.
with 10 being the highest, how..... 1.honest are you.
2.humble are you.
4. happy are you.
1. 10
2. 10
3. 10
4. 10
It is all coz of my upbringing- humble, modest and hardworking.
this statement was answered in a form of a question to a question posed by one of his followers;.
jesus realized that composite slave had to qualify for such an appointment when he came into power of his kingdom promised by jehovah god.
[and they came to life and ruled as kings with the christ+ for 1,000 years].
Who really is the F n D slave?
A bunch of old farts!
we already know how jws will respond ( on a pole).
but i found an article that talks about jws views on how jesus died.
i didn't know that there was a time when jws accepted the cross unlike now.
@Everapostate, I was just pedalling the teaching that a person giving thier life for another should be valued more than on what did he die?
I personally do not give a rats ass about jesus, god or any religion. I respect peoples opinions thats it.
Maybe my english is poor so came across wrong dunno..
we already know how jws will respond ( on a pole).
but i found an article that talks about jws views on how jesus died.
i didn't know that there was a time when jws accepted the cross unlike now.
I call this nitpicking, dont you?