I worship three gods depending on my three moods : I have full faith in my trinity
a) a glass of wine
b) a bottle of wine
c) the whole damn winery
My Trinity
evolution is how we got here.. demonstrate that you believe that all species evolved from a single cell over/within 3.5 billion years by tapping "like" below.. demonstrate that you believe in special creation by tapping "unlike" below..
I worship three gods depending on my three moods : I have full faith in my trinity
a) a glass of wine
b) a bottle of wine
c) the whole damn winery
My Trinity
i was in the organization until 2011. .
i n-e-v-e-r heard of this problem.
not even a whisper.
Just as it is still hidden and safely swept under the carpet from the R n F even at this given moment !
Mind control is all about hidden layers of an onion, very few get to the core which is the true face of the organisation.
first of all, i'm not a conspiracy chaser.
personally, i've related with mason borothers alot and confirmed that jw.org is no more related with freemason after russsel who was never a member of freemasonry.. one of my friends again raised the questioning link between jw and freemason with the above picture.
specifically the letter a.... .
You are overthinking it all. I have yet to see a close-up of a ring that the Gar-Bage wear to link it to masonic views.
what would the outcome be among people at this site if we were able to conduct a poll on belief in evolution or in creation?.
what would the outcome be if at the same time we asked for religious affiliation (including formal, informal, or none)?
Why do I need to believe in anything at all? A person can live his life sans all this you know!
But then again why just two options? There are way more beleifs n theory to consider..!
what would the outcome be among people at this site if we were able to conduct a poll on belief in evolution or in creation?.
what would the outcome be if at the same time we asked for religious affiliation (including formal, informal, or none)?
I do not think about evolution nor creation. My priority is those two do not make any difference to my life in any way. I am here and now, let me live my life the way I see fit irrespective of how life got here. believing in one or the other Evo/ cre does not help my life in any way so why bother.
I am just getting on with my life and being happy.
after posting on another thread it became apparent to me that it can be difficult for some ex jws to totally shake off all wt teaching , even after leaving the org.
do you still feel guilty going into a church for a wedding or a funeral .
can you bring yourself to celebrate birthdays or christmas .
Great topic Jhine
after posting on another thread it became apparent to me that it can be difficult for some ex jws to totally shake off all wt teaching , even after leaving the org.
do you still feel guilty going into a church for a wedding or a funeral .
can you bring yourself to celebrate birthdays or christmas .
Do you still feel guilty going into a church for a wedding or a funeral?
Even when I was in I never felt different, I would gladly attend. So this remains the same.
Can you bring yourself to celebrate birthdays or Christmas?
I never was into these things before I became a jdumb, so still no changes there. (if someone ever does invite me to a birthday/ christmas I will gladly accept it to make them happy).
Would you hesitate to accept a blood transfusion if you needed one?
no i will accept all to save my life but will certainly make an informed decision to do this.No hesitations.
Does the indoctrination that you received still work to put a barrier between you and the rest of society in the way it was intended to when you were "in"?
No it does not coz I believe that if I live life as the jdumbs intended me to then they still have their control over me and I cant say I am totally free.
So now I re-research and do my own thinking and see how I feel about a matter before decideing. I refuse to let anyone elses be it human, bible, jdumbs n tom,dick, harry control my mind or core of me.
I begin from a blank page and gather info, fill the page and then decide. I never look into religion at all or the jdumbs.
after posting on another thread it became apparent to me that it can be difficult for some ex jws to totally shake off all wt teaching , even after leaving the org.
do you still feel guilty going into a church for a wedding or a funeral .
can you bring yourself to celebrate birthdays or christmas .
I did an about turn, total reversal of it all. Plus now I do a lot more research.I see that there are way more choices to consider . I am surprised at myself now that I am out how different I look at things coz I have educated myself in so many ways.
I have let whoever matters to me about my blood stance, and other things that has changed with my decisions so when time comes they all know I have changed my decisions. No long pauses and musings over those.
So no jw barrier/concepts holding me down at all.
jackie kennedy was considered the most beautiful for years.
melania trump is obviously an ex model.
michelle obama has been touted as a true beauty.
The one who is beautiful in actions , mind and soul.Show me one.
would you stop buying nike products because you didn’t like their politics?
conversely, would you give business to a company because you liked their political stand on a matter?
would you stop watching an entertainer because you disagree with their political perspectives?
In my small way I always try and support local shops in my area. I simply refuse to be lead by ads, big brand names, coerced,guided mind control, manipulations of corporations in any way. I do it my way, have always done.
If only my actions could make a huge change in the market,businesses, I would.But the reality is no , it doesnt.They are way bigger than me, I am not even small fry. So why live my life through mind control one way or the other!