Watch Tower is tighting its grip on JW elders during this pandemic. "Rogue" is unlikely at this time for a couple reasons:
- JWs obediently rally during times of catastrophe because they believe doing so will improve their chance of survival.
Some good news on that obedience end.Some of them are being nudged to awaken on their own due to this zooming meting criterias. Heard a pimi couple complain that they are not going to be videoed/seen on tthose "damn things" to listen to the meetings!
Another pimi husband of a pimo woman told me that her husband is mad that they have to dress up to meeting standards (shaved, showered, jacket suit and tie an d all) just to sit in his own house to listen to the meeting.He is very annoyed and says not doing it.
There are people awakening ,give it some time and washtowel might dig their own ...