I am so so sorry to hear this.There are critters who come out from their shitholes when under pressure. Buddy, your DIL is doing a very outstanding service for the community ie risking her life for the good of so many others. Please convey to her that I am thankful and grateful that she is out there, putting her life on the line. I sincerely apreciate her support for her community. If I was in or near australia I would have sent her a load of goody bags for doing what she is at this time of crisis. She is a very good person. I salute her! A big hug from me!
By the way since this lockdown started , I am making sure that I let people know how grateful I am that they are out there still doing the services (supermarkets, post offices, delivery guys, nurses, doctors, everyone who is still working so we do not go without ) and helping society walk on . I really do appreciate every person who is out there risking his /her life so that I can avail of the normal services to run my life a little smoothly.