Shadow, its very reasonable. Because the left use it to attack gun rights. If the left can stand on the graves to virtue signal about how bad guns are, then we can talk about how its not the answer. But you leftists only want the double edge sword to cut one way, this is why people on your side of things not only want to limit or quell gun rights but free speech rights.
JoinedPosts by jojorabbit
14 kids dead and one teacher at Texas school shooting.
by jojorabbit inanother shooting, this time 14 kids dead more wounded and a teacher dead.
i am all for the second amendment and this does not change my mind.
but i do hate this kind of thing, makes my stomach turn.
Serena Williams thinks she is a JW LMAO
by jojorabbit ini saw a post pop up on some click bait where serena williams saying she was praying for armageddon to come and that the jws have said we are living in critical times hard to deal with.this was her response to the texas school shooting.
another cult catch phrase.
i am sorry williams you aint no jw.
At the same time as the JW governing body is silent on so called or at the very minimum self proclaimed JWs if you are going to the KH and you have hair that is not quite in place or a sister has a dress that is an inch above the knee or a young brothers suit fits too tight, well look out you are going to the back room to get a talking to. Just another way the Governing Body is a bunch of fat idiot hypocrites.
Prediction of how Watchtower going to be in 5 Years.
by Foolednomore ini can see it that watchtower will become an online/tv based group with just con-vention hall$.. field service would be letter writing and phone preaching, door to door is done.. watchtower will have pay to view programs and still ask for donations after all that.. zoom meetings are here to stay.
kingdumb halls will be sold off except for con-vention venues, or need for new ones$.. df'ing will continue.
the craziness will continue.
Its amazing to me how this sick religion or so called religion recycles its trash. by their fruits you will know them.
14 kids dead and one teacher at Texas school shooting.
by jojorabbit inanother shooting, this time 14 kids dead more wounded and a teacher dead.
i am all for the second amendment and this does not change my mind.
but i do hate this kind of thing, makes my stomach turn.
Shadow you are nothing but a defeatist. So sit in your closet and hide because nothing will work and its all horrible and its just the end of the world. Are you sure you are not still a JW? LOL. Life is a risk. When you put your foot on the floor in the AM its a risk. Its a risk to get into the shower. Most people don't sit in bed and worry about slipping on the soap and crying about it. We push through. We get things done. We try things. The lefts answer is to let people out of prison, Give them free money and housing. Pat them on the back when they kill someone and tell them its because someone owned a slave 160 years ago they may or may not be related to in some distant way.
Your kind is what gets things Fed up in the first place. Just point the finger and say its the tool, its the gun, car, mega hat, or what is the flavor of the blame that day. Personally I can do without your kind. You offer nothing but complaints and whining.
Serena Williams thinks she is a JW LMAO
by jojorabbit ini saw a post pop up on some click bait where serena williams saying she was praying for armageddon to come and that the jws have said we are living in critical times hard to deal with.this was her response to the texas school shooting.
another cult catch phrase.
i am sorry williams you aint no jw.
I saw a post pop up on some click bait where Serena Williams saying she was praying for Armageddon to come and that the JWs have said we are living in critical times hard to deal with.This was her response to the Texas School shooting. Another cult catch phrase. I am sorry Williams you aint no JW. I am not sure you ever were. You don't even close live your life the way JWs are expected to live. The cult GB give people like her a pass for two reasons, Money and the shock it would cause non JWs looking on and it would cull and curb some of their converts. Lets be honest she does not even close live like a JW. From Wacko Jacko to others who would say they were JWs but not live the life at all or even close to what the JWs believe is a special kind of stupid.
14 kids dead and one teacher at Texas school shooting.
by jojorabbit inanother shooting, this time 14 kids dead more wounded and a teacher dead.
i am all for the second amendment and this does not change my mind.
but i do hate this kind of thing, makes my stomach turn.
The biggest elephant in the room is the decline of western civilization. There were AR15s around in the 60s for Civilians to buy. People in my area would carry rifles and shot guns in the back window of the truck. Schools and colleges allowed them. There were very few shootings. The only one that I can remember is the Austin tower shooting. The shooter a former Marine left a note to have his head autopsied and it was found he had a brain tumor.
But our culture as of late the past 25 years or a bit more has went down a road of allowing more and more things that would have been never allowed 30 or so years ago. Pron and I mean hard core porn is so easy for anyone to get more than you could have bought if you had 100 thousand dollars in the 70s to blow on it. No pun int.
Glorification of gangsters and thug life and also misogynistic objectification of women. But now its blacks that do it in the so called music style Rap. Spreading and teaching children to have Gender Dysphoria. Teaching children as young as 1 they can be men or women and transgender bla bla bla. Even going so far to inject a child with puberty blockers. This has unknown consequences. But I doubt its good. We live in a world where the left degrades work and work ethic. Now its just great to sit on a couch and eat your way to 600 pounds and expect the tax payers through the state to support you again no pun int.
Teaching children that the USA is an evil place going so far as to change history to fit their narrative as in the BLM movement.
Teaching Black kids they will most likely not succeed because they are black and don't have the ability to over come this systemic racism which is a total lie.
Teaching white kids they are privileged even if they live as poor as any black because we all know that when no blacks or browns are around whites hand out money to each other. LMAO
That all whites are evil and need to pay blacks for something that happened to someone who died 160 years ago by someone who died 160 years ago.
14 kids dead and one teacher at Texas school shooting.
by jojorabbit inanother shooting, this time 14 kids dead more wounded and a teacher dead.
i am all for the second amendment and this does not change my mind.
but i do hate this kind of thing, makes my stomach turn.
Another thing the left covers up. It was not all that long ago like yesterday they were crying to de-fund the police. This was a train wreck of an idea right out of the gate. The left has never learned play stupid games win stupid prizes.
Ex JWs who use the catch phrase "Friends"
by jojorabbit inits a personal pet peeve to me but i hate it when ex jws use the catch phrase friends.
this was used at every convention and many meetings i went to.
the friends, mother and others.
I was worried that was it.
Ex JWs who use the catch phrase "Friends"
by jojorabbit inits a personal pet peeve to me but i hate it when ex jws use the catch phrase friends.
this was used at every convention and many meetings i went to.
the friends, mother and others.
Its a personal pet peeve to me but I hate it when EX JWs use the catch phrase Friends. This was used at every convention and many meetings I went to. The friends, Mother and others. To me I want nothing of this cult left in my life. This is why I guess its so offensive to me. Not saying in any way someone can not use it. But if you left this group why would you keep some of its catch phrases? I know the term catch phrase is a group of words but in JW speak one word catch phrases exist. I see that one lady on YouTube who opens Hello Friends. I cringe when I hear this. Anyone else or is it just my crazy mind?
14 kids dead and one teacher at Texas school shooting.
by jojorabbit inanother shooting, this time 14 kids dead more wounded and a teacher dead.
i am all for the second amendment and this does not change my mind.
but i do hate this kind of thing, makes my stomach turn.
Obama is just an opportunist and will use any tragedy to further his agenda and stay relevant. He is most certainly a POS. Sad he was ever president.