NCC. LMAO. That is funny. Does not take much to trip your trigger. I don't know what you have but I am sure it has letters and they make a med for it I would venture to say.
So by NCC false argument, one either has to look to Evans as a cult leader they follow or hate him so bad they can not stop obsessing over him. Personally I like Evans presentations on the JWs. They were at least before the break down well done. As far as him as a person, well he is not even close to someone I would be around. He is very liberal and I don't think its because of how he feels its more he just follows what every way the popular winds are blowing. I am a very conservative person. I supported Trump and would still. Evans is more of a lets be what the cool thing seems to be today.
I don't really care about his personal life and he did all the damage himself by going on to YouTube and doing stupid videos trying to explain what did not need to be explained. He has a huge ego and its not even close to deserved. But as far as making videos trying to tell others how evil he is, well that is just a special kind of stupid.