I don't see any real debates here. I see a bunch of people wasting time while a child in Africa is starving to death.
JoinedPosts by ThatSucks
Questions for Creationists
by IronGland inwhat does creationism explain?.
what does it predict?.
what about blind cave fish with residual eyes.
Questions for Creationists
by IronGland inwhat does creationism explain?.
what does it predict?.
what about blind cave fish with residual eyes.
Creationists Creationists Creationists...
Why would you rely on a Bible or a science textbook? Both are someone's opinion. The science book is what someone says is so, and the Bible is what someone said God said was so.
So hows about this... I'll write a quick poem that sums up what all of humanity should do to live peacibly. (SP). Now remember... These aren't my words, these are the words of the great dupulocur in the ship above. He is our true creator [I say] and we should do what [I say] he said we should do. Why should you do this? Because [I say that] he said so!!! If you don't, [I say] he will kill you, because [I say] he created you.
GET... A... LIFE... BEFORE... YOU... WASTE... THE... ONLY... ONE... YOU'VE... GOT.
Why can't you folks just accept the fact that your mommy and daddy did the nasty and *boom* you are here today? Some people THINK too much.
jjrizo: Why don't you put down your Bible and pick up the Koran? What is this, you just serve the first God you come accross?
No Questions, No Answers!
by bjc2012 inthe road to god's "truth", divine truth, is the same.
it takes real, real "effort" before truth, divine truth can be achieved.
and therefore, they could not give it to us, this divine truth.
Leave it to the TWMC duo to make me come out of the woodwork and tell them what superstitious manipulative opportunists they both are. BOTH Sisters.
All hail the Modern Day $hitheads!!!!
Edited by - ThatSucks on 22 October 2002 17:0:53
Those Magnificent Mummified Brachylophosaurs!
by Nathan Natas inlink: http://www.msnbc.com/news/819818.asp.
the duckbill fossil, named leonardo, is laid out for display at the phillips county museum in montana.
the numbers are keyed to information about areas of the 23-foot-long fossil.
At least Evolutionists look to adjust their thinking rather than holding
on to 2000 year-old dogma from the dark ages.
Edited by - ThatSucks on 15 October 2002 18:20:8
Properly Understanding Genesis 3:14
by Yadirf init was satan that was cursed, not the snake!
if it was satan then that the "curse" of genesis 3:14 applied to rather than the serpent, then how is it that satan has had to live his life since that day as if having to go upon his belly and eat dust?
the answer is arrived at by first considering the lowly state of this somewhat pitiful creature called the "serpent".
Thatsucks, I have no idea what you meant ..If you were implying that I am in a cult sorry I don't follow any religion or person.
I was referring to your comment to Yadirf:
Since you and everyone else here knows your bibles more than I will ever know mine I will take your word that, that's the correct answer. I have no way to dispute your interpretation of it, for all I know you could be correct.
I just found it ironic that the words of a man can be so readily accepted as a reflection from the mind of a supreme creator if the man sounds convincing enough.
Yadirf titled his post 'PROPERLY UNDERSTANDING Genesis 3:14'. Proper for whom? Yadirf? Certainly not, otherwise he would have just titled his post "The way I understand Genesis 3:14". Yadirf's intent was to "correct" the thinking of others to go along with his thinking in this matter. Indirectly, by his implication that HE has the PROPER understanding, he has claimed to know the mind of EVERYONE'S ultimate creator.
The words you uttered above (from what I've seen) are the first step of a multi-step process to indoctrination. That is why I made my comments. Am I saying that you are indoctrinated? No. But you do leave yourself open to further "convincing/correction" by maintaining the possibility of a particular interpretation to be correct.
An open mind can be a great means to expanding your horizons, it can also be a convienient dumping ground for garbage.
Is it just me or...
by SPAZnik indoes anyone else dream about jw.com posters from time to time?.
i have the most vivid dreams.. .
write a short essay of appreciation for .
!@#?, and I thought I was nuts.
Your Cheesiest/Silliest/Strangest WTScans
by Stephanus ini've been enjoying scanning bits and pieces of ruth's old 'tower magazines.
many of us will have old copies of the literature lying around, so why not scan something that's particularly meaningful to you?
here's my offering to start the ball rolling.
Why is everyone smiling in these pictures. Looks like these people are being naughty and using devices Jesus didn't use. tsk tsk tsk.
Properly Understanding Genesis 3:14
by Yadirf init was satan that was cursed, not the snake!
if it was satan then that the "curse" of genesis 3:14 applied to rather than the serpent, then how is it that satan has had to live his life since that day as if having to go upon his belly and eat dust?
the answer is arrived at by first considering the lowly state of this somewhat pitiful creature called the "serpent".
James said:
Since you and everyone else here knows your bibles more than I will ever know mine I will take your word that, that's the correct answer. I have no way to dispute your interpretation of it, for all I know you could be correct.
Let's dig into the inadvertant cult-speak loaded in this statement:
Hi. My name is James. I am glad to be in your cult. Thank you for the warm welcome.
Sheila Bowen's Letter To the GB!
by Ranchette ini knocked on the locked door of the appeal hearing last night after they had dismissed bill and told the six elders that i had something to say to them and told them it was summed up it a letter i had written.i then asked them if i could read it to them and they could have their own copy when i was finished.they said that would be fine.. here it is.
governing body,.
25 columbia heights.
Then again, as a disciple of Jan Haugland, perhaps you are trying to make an ungodly point in laying blame on the BIBLE for the Governing Body's current lapse in better judgment?
Hey !@#?er you better watch your back. The desciples gonna get ya!
BTW, so are you making a godly point Derrick? Or would that be a holy point?
silentlambs march- please get ready now!
by silentlambs inthe silentlambs march is fast approaching, i encourage one and all to get your hotel reservations and make your final travel arrangements.
we have a listing of discount hotels if you need assistance.
we are going to have a police escort all the way to the front door of 25 columbia heights .
Oh, You Know! That's the guy that thinks he not an apostate.