Hi Cofty.🙂 The reason I like you so much is because you are honest about you feel and clear. It is refreshing to me. Thank you. 🌷
"For I came to cause division, with a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. Indeed, a man’s enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever has greater affection for father or mother than for me is not worthy of me; and whoever has greater affection for son or daughter than for me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not accept his torture stake and follow after me is not worthy of me."
Jesus was preaching in a time that in some ways is similar to what we've experienced in a JW KH. His "brothers and sisters" in the "faith" were following the doctrines of men instead of the clear teachings of love. He knew that they would suffer if they disregarded the Pharisaical teachings, like the man who was kicked out and shunned for being willing to recognize Jesus.
Jesus wasn't going around telling people to leave their families. He was acknowledging that it takes courage to stand up for what is right, and that when we take a stand for what is right, sometimes even people in our own family or community or social group give us a hard time.
We have to be willing to do the right thing even if we get opposition from our family members, even if they disfellowship us or shun us. That's what he was telling them. "Don't be surprised. If you do the right thing, it's gonna be difficult for you."
Jesus went to parties, drank wine, ate with friends, sang songs. He went on hikes and fished. He said "as you go, preach". A first century housewife could talk about good things at the well while fetching water. The guys in the field could talk while working. Jesus knew he only had a little time on earth to train Peter and John and Matthew those guys, so he asked them to put certain things on hold for a little while, but it wasn't at the cost of their families. He knew their situations and he didn't ask them to do anything that would be too much for them. He was able to provide food for them when they needed it.
That Jesus expected Christians to work for their keep and provide for their families is clear in the gospels and in Paul's writings. Jesus gave illustrations about working diligently. It wasn't just about "the ministry". Most of Jesus' work was providing for and caring for poor people in a physical way. He only taught them after he fed and healed them. Jesus communicated with Paul; they were on the same page. Christians are not expected to live off somebody else's "donations" - they are expected to work to take care of their families first. "The one who doesn't take care of his family is worse than one who disowns the faith."
What the JWborg teaches regarding sacrificing family on the "altar" in order to do "ministry" is contrary to Christ's teachings. The JWborg does just like the Pharisaical corban teaching: "They have made the word of God invalid by their traditions." The JWborg leaders want slaves to work for them and sacrifice their families to do it. They are horrid.
Jesus said to stay away from the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.