JoinedPosts by EasyPrompt
Acts 15:29 - "keep abstaining from blood"
by aqwsed12345 infor a christian, only the moral commandments of the old testament are binding (as they cannot change), but the various liturgical, social, and other so-called casuistic laws no longer apply to them.
this includes dietary habits, such as the prohibition of pork or fat, as well as the prohibition of blood.. take a look at the following verses: mt 15:11, mk 7:15-19, acts 11:7-9, 1 tim 4:3-5.. the jehovah's witnesses say that, yes, but in the acts of the apostles (15) the consumption of blood, idol meat, and strangled animals is also prohibited, meaning the new testament still forbids it.
for catholics, the council of florence settled this issue, stating that this apostolic regulation was only a temporary measure to facilitate agreement between jews and gentiles in the early church.
Help wanted finding images
by Lee Marsh ini am working on a project that requires proofs that the wts did say it and jws believe and follow it.. i have found some but google is giving me a hard time with some things.. as i go i will post requests for various images.
they all must have a reference or at least post where i can find the reference and i will add it to the image.. both older and newer beliefs are welcome, especially flip-flops.. if you have something similar to what is already posted then more references the better.
i know there are images of the structure of the wts.
@enoughisenough...I appreciate all the work everybody here has done to provide a community where we can freely communicate about these things! I have benefited very much from the research and comments and association of so many here. Thank you!💞
@LadyLee, thank you for enduring all these years. I read one of the articles about some of the things you've been through. Thank you for continuing to have love despite being exposed to so much hate.🫶💖
Help wanted finding images
by Lee Marsh ini am working on a project that requires proofs that the wts did say it and jws believe and follow it.. i have found some but google is giving me a hard time with some things.. as i go i will post requests for various images.
they all must have a reference or at least post where i can find the reference and i will add it to the image.. both older and newer beliefs are welcome, especially flip-flops.. if you have something similar to what is already posted then more references the better.
i know there are images of the structure of the wts.
It appears to be for the same reason they mislabel people as "mentally diseased". If they presumptuously judge someone as "not a witness of Jehovah" then they can also say "not a brother or not a sister" and then they attempt to rationalize treating the person as sub-human, or dead. It's the same thing the Pharisees did when going beyond what was written about how to deal with leprosy or people of a different background or women.
Acts 15:29 - "keep abstaining from blood"
by aqwsed12345 infor a christian, only the moral commandments of the old testament are binding (as they cannot change), but the various liturgical, social, and other so-called casuistic laws no longer apply to them.
this includes dietary habits, such as the prohibition of pork or fat, as well as the prohibition of blood.. take a look at the following verses: mt 15:11, mk 7:15-19, acts 11:7-9, 1 tim 4:3-5.. the jehovah's witnesses say that, yes, but in the acts of the apostles (15) the consumption of blood, idol meat, and strangled animals is also prohibited, meaning the new testament still forbids it.
for catholics, the council of florence settled this issue, stating that this apostolic regulation was only a temporary measure to facilitate agreement between jews and gentiles in the early church.
"Why did Paul say not to ask questions of
conscience when eating in the home of a pagan?"
Paul didn't say that. This is what he said:
1 Corinthians 10:25-28
"Eat whatever is sold in a meat market, making no inquiry because of your conscience, for “to Jehovah belong the earth and everything in it.” If an unbeliever invites you and you want to go, eat whatever is set before you, making no inquiry on account of your conscience. But if anyone says to you, “This is something offered in sacrifice,” do not eat because of the one who told you and because of conscience."
The context was not about blood, it was about meat that had been used in pagan worship. If the meat was properly bled, it didn't matter that it'd been part of a pagan ceremony, because those pagan gods weren't real anyway. The context in 1 Corinthians chapter 8 makes clear he was talking about not stumbling other Christians regarding meat sacrificed to idols. It had nothing to do with eating blood or not eating blood.
"Now concerning food offered to idols...Now concerning the eating of food offered to idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world and that there is no God but one. For even though there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth, just as there are many “gods” and many “lords,” there is actually to us one God, the Father, from whom all things are and we for him; and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are and we through him. However, not all have this knowledge. But some, because of their former association with the idol, eat food as something sacrificed to an idol, and their conscience, being weak, is defiled...For if anyone should see you who have knowledge having a meal in an idol temple, will not the conscience of that one who is weak be emboldened to the point of eating food offered to idols?...That is why if food makes my brother stumble, I will never again eat meat at all, so that I will not make my brother stumble."
"Easyprompt- if you needed blood would you take a fraction?"
That's a loaded question.
Hebrews 9:22
"Yes, according to the Law nearly all things are cleansed with blood, and unless blood is poured out no forgiveness takes place."
John 6:53
"So Jesus said to them: “Most truly I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves."
I don't take a fraction of blood. I accept Jesus' whole blood as meeting my all needs.
"It amazes me how bible thumbers like tell people how they should run things. Including one's own health and body. If they don't want to take blood/ fractions or whatever, then fine. But Don't impose your Bullshit Believe system on to me."
@Foolednomore, nobody is imposing anything on you. You can go suck whatever you want, but that you reap what you sow even mean old Zophar recognized at Job 20:16...
"The venom of cobras he will suck;
The fangs of a viper will kill him."
Doctors push blood transfusions because it's on their flowcharts. If a patient dies of anything and they don't have "blood transfusion" checked off on their list, they could get sued. It's not because of "wanting to a save life" that they push for transfusions. It's because of the industry. Blood banks are big business, as enoughisenough already brought out. Have you ever driven by a plasma donation center? There is one in the town next to mine. It's often got a line out front of all the drug addicts who are waiting to donate so they can get money for their next "fix".
If the industry really cared about "saving lives", they wouldn't be sucking the blood of those who are marginalized and struggling with addictions. Supporting such an industry doesn't "save lives". It ruins them.
Psalm 49:7,8
"None of them can ever redeem a brother
Or give to God a ransom for him,
(The ransom price for their life is so precious
That it is always beyond their reach.)"
"Medical" blood use - Follow the money. $$$
You wouldn't see Jesus out there donating blood at a plasma center. His "donation" was once for all time, and it is the only blood that saves.
Acts 15:29 - "keep abstaining from blood"
by aqwsed12345 infor a christian, only the moral commandments of the old testament are binding (as they cannot change), but the various liturgical, social, and other so-called casuistic laws no longer apply to them.
this includes dietary habits, such as the prohibition of pork or fat, as well as the prohibition of blood.. take a look at the following verses: mt 15:11, mk 7:15-19, acts 11:7-9, 1 tim 4:3-5.. the jehovah's witnesses say that, yes, but in the acts of the apostles (15) the consumption of blood, idol meat, and strangled animals is also prohibited, meaning the new testament still forbids it.
for catholics, the council of florence settled this issue, stating that this apostolic regulation was only a temporary measure to facilitate agreement between jews and gentiles in the early church.
"You guys are a bunch of Pharisees, making advice into commands while toying with the lives of children."
Vander, most of the time in the area I live in, there is a court order anyway for a blood transfusion when it involves a child. That's just how it is. The HLC knows it, so they don't talk about it publicly much. The times I knew about it here usually involved either a NICU situation or something like a hemorrhagic fever, and frequently the children died after the transfusion anyway. (Usually if there is a planned surgery for another type of issue, there are surgeons who will do surgery without blood transfusions.)
All the "children" of Adam and Eve are dead already. We live a short while, and we die, just like the plants in the field. The only way to live forever is to follow the Christ 100%. There is no "fraction" of willful disobedience that is acceptable when it comes to being "whole-souled".
Circumcision didn't save anybody, but it was an opportunity for Abraham's family to show obedience. It was a symbol of cooperation, of their love for God. In and of itself, it didn't save them, but it was a way for them to show trust in God.
Later on, baptism became an outward sign of our obedience. In and of itself, baptism doesn't clean anybody or make them live forever, but it's a way for us to show our love for God, to obey Him.
It's the same with obeying the command about blood. The medical community today will change tomorrow, they always do. The medical community used to think it was a good idea to drink mercury or put dung on wounds. So-called "scientific" information has a half-life where-as God's wisdom is always reliable.
If someone accepted blood in the past, God is forgiving, that is what the ransom is for. But God is calling for us to repent. Only the blood of the Christ can save. Praising Jesus means respecting his blood as the only source of salvation.
"I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come to pass the salvation and the power and the Kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ, because the accuser of our brothers has been hurled down, who accuses them day and night before our God! And they conquered him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their witnessing, and they did not love their souls even in the face of death."
Acts 15:29 - "keep abstaining from blood"
by aqwsed12345 infor a christian, only the moral commandments of the old testament are binding (as they cannot change), but the various liturgical, social, and other so-called casuistic laws no longer apply to them.
this includes dietary habits, such as the prohibition of pork or fat, as well as the prohibition of blood.. take a look at the following verses: mt 15:11, mk 7:15-19, acts 11:7-9, 1 tim 4:3-5.. the jehovah's witnesses say that, yes, but in the acts of the apostles (15) the consumption of blood, idol meat, and strangled animals is also prohibited, meaning the new testament still forbids it.
for catholics, the council of florence settled this issue, stating that this apostolic regulation was only a temporary measure to facilitate agreement between jews and gentiles in the early church.
The GB/FD$/HLC people are not very good at math.
Here is a screenshot from the lesson in their primary Bible study book, "Enjoy Life Forever"...
There is a picture of a vial of blood and the caption basically says certain fractions of blood are not blood.
It's the same kind of reasoning the snake used with Eve. "You can eat a fraction of the tree - you can eat a piece of the tree, that fruit, go ahead..."
The snake lied. The GB/FD$ are lying too.
It's a simple command. It's a way to show respect for God and the blood of the Christ.
"Abstain from blood."
Acts 15:29 - "keep abstaining from blood"
by aqwsed12345 infor a christian, only the moral commandments of the old testament are binding (as they cannot change), but the various liturgical, social, and other so-called casuistic laws no longer apply to them.
this includes dietary habits, such as the prohibition of pork or fat, as well as the prohibition of blood.. take a look at the following verses: mt 15:11, mk 7:15-19, acts 11:7-9, 1 tim 4:3-5.. the jehovah's witnesses say that, yes, but in the acts of the apostles (15) the consumption of blood, idol meat, and strangled animals is also prohibited, meaning the new testament still forbids it.
for catholics, the council of florence settled this issue, stating that this apostolic regulation was only a temporary measure to facilitate agreement between jews and gentiles in the early church.
Hi, Vander!
I used to be in daily association with an HLC (Hospital Liaison Committee) "brother" and PVG (Patient Visitation Group) "brothers".
The HLC training program is in depth and the information binders are many for the HLC "brothers" because there are so many different uses for blood in the medical field. JWBorg members do take most of them.
Here is an older video that explains...
I went to the hospital many times with the local HLC/PVG guys and also was privy to many conversations regarding blood use by JW patients in the borg. As a "sister" I wasn't part of the program, but I was a witness to a lot of what goes on.
The GB/FD$ over the years has leaned heavily into the medical field. While they outwardly claim to hold fast to the Bible's command to abstain from blood, in all actuality they promote taking in blood all the time in alternative ways.
The catch-phrase "it's a conscience matter" is thrown in there by the HLC for many medical procedures involving blood - it's a cop out so they don't get so much heat from the medical community and so they can keep the money flowing in from the rank and file and so they can have approval from the governments.
The GB/FD$ is willing to break God's laws on blood in order to make a buck. The WTBT$ advertises the HLC as if it's out there saving babies or something, but it's actually a promotions department, and they're not promoting God's way.
The Messianic Prophecies and Their Fulfillment in Jesus
by aqwsed12345 inthe belief in the messiah, which has lived in the collective consciousness of humanity since ancient times, became completely obscured among the gentiles, and only remained with the jewish people, who were later chosen by god, as the prophecies of the prophets kept it alive.
there was only one great promise in the old testament from god, which awaited fulfillment!
only one great desire was there in the old testament on the part of man, longing for satisfaction.
The Pharisees of old also thought they knew more than God.
Matthew 21:42-45
"Jesus said to them: “Did you never read in the Scriptures, ‘The stone that the builders rejected, this has become the chief cornerstone. This has come from Jehovah, and it is marvelous in our eyes’? This is why I say to you, the Kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits. Also, the person falling on this stone will be shattered. As for anyone on whom it falls, it will crush him.”
When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard his illustrations, they knew that he was speaking about them."
God doesn't reveal things by means of Greek or German or French. He reveals them by means of holy spirit.
Luke 10:21,22
"In that very hour he became overjoyed in the holy spirit and said: “I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have carefully hidden these things from wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to young children. Yes, O Father, because this is the way you approved. All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and no one knows who the Father is except the Son and anyone to whom the Son is willing to reveal him."
I can't help you with your reading problem, TD, but God can. If you turn around and humble your heart before Him, you'll have a better chance of improving your comprehension. You are right, there were some Pharisees who eventually became believers.
Acts 15:29 - "keep abstaining from blood"
by aqwsed12345 infor a christian, only the moral commandments of the old testament are binding (as they cannot change), but the various liturgical, social, and other so-called casuistic laws no longer apply to them.
this includes dietary habits, such as the prohibition of pork or fat, as well as the prohibition of blood.. take a look at the following verses: mt 15:11, mk 7:15-19, acts 11:7-9, 1 tim 4:3-5.. the jehovah's witnesses say that, yes, but in the acts of the apostles (15) the consumption of blood, idol meat, and strangled animals is also prohibited, meaning the new testament still forbids it.
for catholics, the council of florence settled this issue, stating that this apostolic regulation was only a temporary measure to facilitate agreement between jews and gentiles in the early church.
Wow, @menrov, so you're suddenly a "believer".🙄
Well, interesting that you would choose to "believe" Paul's words at First Corinthians but not "believe" what is written in Acts, such as at 5:29 where it says "We must obey God".
But since you brought up 1 Corinthians 6:9-11...
"Or do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Do not be misled. Those who are sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, men who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality, thieves, greedy people, drunkards, revilers, and extortioners will not inherit God’s Kingdom. And yet that is what some of you were. But you have been washed clean; you have been sanctified; you have been declared righteous in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God."
...maybe you noticed the first part of those verses: "unrighteous persons".
The definition of an "unrighteous" person in the Bible is one who does what is "not right" by God's standards.
The list at First Corinthians 6 there is not "all-inclusive". Murder isn't mentioned there either, but 1 John 3:15 says "Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has everlasting life remaining in him."
The Bible doesn't outright say that vampirism is "wrong", but it doesn't take a rocket scientist or a Rhodes scholar to figure out that vampirism is "unrighteous" according to God.
Whoever teaches that it is acceptable to take in blood or actually does it is the one with blood on their hands before God. The GB/FD$ are bloodguilty for many reasons, and giving tacit approval to medical procedures involving blood and blood fractions is just one of the reasons.
Abstaining from blood has been required by God from the beginning. It is written about throughout the Law, back from Abel's death at Cain's hands through Noah's time and the Mosaic Law to our day.
@menrov, you claimed that Acts is not a law from Jesus as far as requirements for entering into the Kingdom of the heavens. How about Jesus' own words...
"Do not think I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I came, not to destroy, but to fulfill. Truly I say to you that sooner would heaven and earth pass away than for one smallest letter or one stroke of a letter to pass away from the Law until all things take place. Whoever, therefore, breaks one of these least commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in relation to the Kingdom of the heavens. But whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in relation to the Kingdom of the heavens. For I say to you that if your righteousness does not surpass that of the scribes and the Pharisees, you will by no means enter into the Kingdom of the heavens."
Acts 15:29 - "keep abstaining from blood"
by aqwsed12345 infor a christian, only the moral commandments of the old testament are binding (as they cannot change), but the various liturgical, social, and other so-called casuistic laws no longer apply to them.
this includes dietary habits, such as the prohibition of pork or fat, as well as the prohibition of blood.. take a look at the following verses: mt 15:11, mk 7:15-19, acts 11:7-9, 1 tim 4:3-5.. the jehovah's witnesses say that, yes, but in the acts of the apostles (15) the consumption of blood, idol meat, and strangled animals is also prohibited, meaning the new testament still forbids it.
for catholics, the council of florence settled this issue, stating that this apostolic regulation was only a temporary measure to facilitate agreement between jews and gentiles in the early church.
The original language words for "blood" in the Bible were not referring to the white cells in milk.
God told the Israelites they were going to "the land of milk and honey" so obviously it's okay to drink milk.
There is also water in blood. And iron. And a whole bunch of other things. But you don't go around calling water "blood" or iron "blood".
Or, maybe you do, but I don't.🙂
"Abstain from blood."
In ancient times, the Jews abstained from certain foods that were legally unclean for them. If they were to eat a "fraction" of a lobster or a "fraction" of a lizard, they would still be breaking that law. We are not under any dietary laws as Christians, with the exception of abstaining from blood. Even taking in a "fraction" of blood that has been removed from another person is still breaking that law.
Haggai 2:13,14
"Hagʹgai then asked: “If someone who is unclean from contact with a dead body touches any of these things, will it become unclean?” The priests answered: “It will become unclean.” So Hagʹgai said: “‘That is how this people is, and that is how this nation is before me,’ declares Jehovah, ‘and that is how all the work of their hands is; whatever they present there is unclean.'"
It wasn't just "eating" unclean things under the Mosaic Law, but even touching them that made a person unclean. A person with a flow of blood was "unclean" under the Mosaic Law. Touching a person with a flow of blood could make someone ceremonially "unclean" under the Law.
We are not under the Mosaic Law. But the principles in the Law help us understand how to read Acts 15. "Abstain from blood" doesn't just mean "don't eat blood". Any blood that came out of a person was supposed to be disposed of, not reused. In the Law, even touching someone's blood made a person unclean. How much more so injecting it into their body, even a fraction of it, would be an abomination to the first century Christians!
"Abstain from blood."
"It matters...to every Christian that wants to obey God."